Mama bird's responsivity.
  • While playing ABS Back To School a thought struck me. On level 1-9 mama birds total unresponsiveness is there for all to see. Especially when comparing it to Piglantis where you could almost hit a structure before dropping the egg. Piglantis 1-7 for example, a super late drop second is vital for a good score.
    So I returned to Piglantis to play some of the mama bird levels and sure enough the late drop now seems impossible. Did Rovio change white bird settings for Piglantis and then revert back for Back To School? If this is true, did any shooters play some old seasons levels before the BTS update to exploit this late egg drop?
    Let me know thanks!
  • I experienced the same thing - brought it up to someone just last night.
    The last second drop appears to be gone.
  • I've tried a few times and it still works for me. Maybe you are timing wrong?
  • I've noticed a lack of responsiveness for white bird in all four PC and iOS games, and I know my reflexes are NOT that slow! lol
  • I noticed it, too. One of my scores dropped below average yesterday (ABO 16-10), and there are two white birds in that level. Granted, I have always had issues with timing of the white bird, but I simply could not get any last second drops (and I've always been able to at least luck into a few last second hits). I really do think that something is up here.
  • @ChaosTsar
    I've recently figured it out with the help of some other players that I know.
    With the Piglantis update came this sort of super white, where you could almost hit a structure before dropping the egg. This late drop white could be used on any relevant seasons level, provided you didnt update to BTS. ToT 2-12 and 2-13 are two examples of levels where you could take advantage of super white. I play on iPhone and updated to BTS but fortunately for me I didn't update the HD version on my iPad so I transferred all my scores over and played late drop white as much as I wanted. Hope this explains things for you. I can let you know which levels can be exploited and provide screenshots if you need any.
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