How To Share Embed Links?
  • I'm trying to send an embed link of one my album's pictures to another member, but I can't seem to share the link without the picture showing up instead. Is there a way to share embed links as links?
  • Well the HTML code that is the code used dor a thumbnail there should be a normal link below that and you could just put it in another HTML link
    Heres some help
    Just put the direct link in the code and embed that. :)
    I'll make this more clear soon...
  • In your album, at the bottom of the picture don't you have two options - one for embed and one for link?
  • Does the embed link show for others when they see the album picture?
  • I think so
  • No, it does not.
  • Only admins can see every image link. Otherwise, users can only see the "long code", which is ABN/members/username/album/number and all that stuff.

    Be very careful with the language distinction here. Embedding is used for items, such as images and videos. Posting a link is just posting a link.
  • I could add an HTML link option if you guys think it would be useful. Right now we have embed code and a URL that will direct people to the picture. An actual hyperlink could be useful for those who don't know HTML. What do you think?
  • You would need to add a generic text such as "Link to Image"
  • @birdleader Sounds like a good idea
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