ABN Website: Posting Scores for the leaderboard (Error: Blocked)
  • Hello ABN-Community.

    I am new here, I made an account, because I wanted to know more about Angry Birds tactics, ...
    I also wanted to post my own scores on the leader board (they don't break any record, but they are above the average player). This is a community and I want to share them.
    The only problem is that I can't post them, this is what I do:
    1) I go to the specific angry birds level.
    2) I click on "Enter Your Score".
    3) I type my score in numbers (Example I tried: 10000 and 10,000 and even 10 000)
    4) I click on enter and it give a little loading symbol
    5) It says: "Error: Blocked"

    Am I banned from posting scores or what did I do wrong?
    I haven't done anything on this site yet and it is already blocked.

    I hope someone will respond me very soon.
    So I can post my scores (I already got better scores :)

    Greetings Killerboy(e) / Jan / John
  • That's the same link.
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