iPhone 3GS Jailbreak - Need Help!
  • First off, I know this isn't directly AB related (it kind of is indirectly) but I thought the good people here at ABN would be able to help! I'm considering jailbreaking my iPhone 3GS, but want to know all the facts before I do! I therefore have some questions as follows:

    1) Is it possible to jailbreak an iPhone 3GS running iOS 5.0.1?

    2) Is it legal?

    3) Is it safe?

    4) Is it possible to reverse the jailbreak leaving no evidence if I decide I no longer want it jailbroken?

    5) I've heard something about baseband - is this an issue?

    6) Am I likely to lose all my existing apps and progress when jailbreaking? I have my AB backed up, but what about my other apps?

    I'm sure I could probably find answers on other forums on the internet, but in many cases, I end up more confused, lol! And to be honest, I trust the people here more than on an iPhone forum! Many thanks :)
  • 1) yes, 5.1 not, though.
    2) In the USA, yes, although installing cracked software (such as ABSp for free) is illegal.
    3) Although Apple states it violates the warranty, by law it can't. Be sure to install anti-virus software to prevent bad stuff coming in.
    4) Yes, that is possible.
    5) I have no idea!
    6) Probaly not, but i'm not sure.
  • OK, thanks, but I'm UK not USA - do you know anything about that? I guess i could just google it! :)
  • The only real difference between US and UK would be the official legality. But I can't imagine the UK says something is illegal when US says it's ok.

    There are risks during the JB process, so definitely backup via iTunes first. But you shouldn't lose apps, in general. I didnt have any issues when I JBed.
  • The thing with jail breaking your gadget, whatever platform it is on, is that to some degree, you are exposing it to the rudiments that will surely hold it true off.

    Though you see a number of people doing it, that does not justify what you have going on with me. My biggest worry, quite honestly, is the idea of opening yours to the cloud of people who will be able to attack it a lot easier now.
  • I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, downloading random software from unofficial app stores is dangerous, but a normally-cautious person should be safe.
  • thats a really good idea
  • Thanks Laurence
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