Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level #2 (Day 2, released on February 25th, Week 63 which began on February 24th, 2014). Our strategy for this level is to send Leia into the south side of the middle large asteroid, to gently push it into the tie-fighter. Aim her tractor beam at the bottom pigs upon impact. This should clear the first portion of the level. Then use a second bird to pull an astroid down into the main structure to finish off the remaining pigs. The score in the video below is 80,430.
Our Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
No P/U’s. Same 2 shots as in video. 1st shot pushing the asteroid into fighter, and using powers to pull the left side of structure on planet. 2nd shot, aim at rest of structure, pulling 2nd fighter into planet. 80k
Got my 80K+ little differently. Aimed little lower so that Leia didn’t touch first rock but went straight at the last tie-fighter pig. Before hitting pig pulled same structure as on video. Tie-fighter exploded and one of its wing destroyed another tie-fighter pig. And second Leia again a little lower and pulled some rocks down and destroyed remaining pigs and TNT.
ALMOST SAME BUT SLIGHTLY EASIER 2ND SHOT…NO P.U. ……same 1st shot as in video…but i was having problems pulling off the 2nd shot like in the video,,so rather than pull down on the 2nd tie fighter….i aimed cursor right in middle of the 2 biggest rocks above the 2nd tie fighter…..pulled the rocks down on top of tie fighter into gravity field finishing off the level……….netted me 75,520…..no p.u.
same strat but 2 k more 77k almost 78.
I got mine a bit different than the video. It was by accident the first time, so I tried it again and it did it the second time. Aim Leia just under the rock of the first floating fighter and as she’s going by, pull the two structures (like the video) and she runs into the second floating fighter and the debris from it knocks out the first. Second Leia like video. Got 80k. Will be going back to see if I can better my score. Happy pig killing! :)
OOPs! Let me rephrase that last part. Second Leia toward last structures and pull down the last two rocks… sorry guys!
I’ve remember this level and also remember there is a 1-bird strategy for it… but right now don’t recall it 100%.
Only want to point that 1-bird firing-solution it is do-able.
Correct myself… 3 possible 1-bird-firing-solutions do-able…