Angry Birds Printable Golden Egg Guides

An exclusive! You can definitely view these guides in your browser, but they were designed so you could print them out and have it next to you when you’re hunting for those shiny eggs. They even look pretty good when printed in black and white.

02/11/11 – Added a new PDF that contains the location of all 20 Golden Eggs!
02/04/11 – Added a new PDF that contains the location of all 18 Golden Eggs!
08/31/10 – Finding the Golden Eggs has been updated to include the 15th egg!

(note, you may have to right click to save/download):

Finding All 20 Golden Eggs, including the Secret Super Bowl / Rio Golden Egg

This is our latest guide that has instructions on how to find all 20 Golden Eggs. The guide includes a key that identifies what egg is found on what level with instructions on how to get it.
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Finding the 15 Golden Eggs

This is a two page guide that has instructions on how to find 15 Golden Eggs. The guide includes a key that identifies what egg is found on what level with instructions on how to get it.
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Finding the Golden Egg Stars

Once you have the Golden Egg the next step is to unlock the star. This guide includes screenshots of all the Golden Egg levels and instructions on how to retrieve the star.
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