Below you will find our Highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook “Roll With The Pangolins!” Tournament Level #6 Week 131.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 155,490
Our non power-up strategy for this level is send Matilda between the two structures and drop the egg bomb to clear the left side. Then send the yellow bird at the base of the right structure. Finally, finish off any remaining pig with the red bird.
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 164,760
Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:
- Golden Sling
- The Wingman
- Power Potion
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
141720 is 2 star
142680 is 3 star
Jingle SLing-No P/U’s White bird high arc, dropping egg, so it bring down the 2 balls in tree. Depending on damage, will determine next shot(s) 156k
This level can in principle be done with two birds without PU, but I have yet to get both shots in the same game. First bird as in video but the middle tower should collapse, but leave the two cages intact. Second bird, aim for the top part of the top cage so that Chuck bounces and pops the pig on the branch, while the pangolins take the lower pig.
But since you also need luck with the debris I think the probability of high-scoring is very low even if you succeed. I have 164k with the video strategy, three birds.
Jingle Sling-No P/Us: 160k+
This took several attempts to get to work.
Shoot White Bird in high arc. Drop egg so that the bird hits the board holding the stones on the branch and bounces up and back to take out the 3 caged stones on left. Stones/Egg take out the lower tower and pigs. Send YB through middle tower at top of glass to take out pig in tree. If you get lucky you may only need 1 more bird o clean up after tower falls.
Power-up Strategy
2 Birds
Using Gold Sling First
1) Wingman + PP + KS aim wingman so he skims across platform to other side and down.
Change to Jingle Sling
2) Aim yellow bird so he accelerates up to wood plank and breaks it.
With right angle the decorations from the sling will kill that pig in the tree branches on the right and with luck all the pangolins will break out of the cages for the extra points.
Scores vary up and down depending on both shots so exact score not repeatable but strategy seems to work for 2 birds.
Using and I-Pad it is possible to get a one birder.
Use Jingle sling and summon wingman with KS and PP and aim towards the pig on the branch in the far right.
A bit of luck can result with all pigs dead and pangolins released.
180+k with this strategy.
Using PC/Facebook, used this first strategy 174360.
Jingle Sling-No P/Us:
Just took out all the pigs with 1 bird!
Shot WB right at branch with 2 stones. Dropped egg just before hitting branch. Only got 138k though..
Same strategy, but needed YB to finish off pig in far right tree. 171,940.
The top strategy us a one birder in mobile. Fully loaded Wingman with JS. Try to hit the corner of the middle-left cage, it goes a bit up, sale with next cage and up into the top right pig. Rebounds and go down. Left side taken care of by the jingle balls and rolling debris. Proof of 186k:
No JS. One bird like @congo strategy. 180.530.
I got 200,500. No lieing
@stennu please don’t post your scores. We had an agreement.
Fully loaded WM w/JS to bottom of branch holding the two balls. Balls fall and left side cleaned up. Next bird to clean up what’s left on right side.
fully loaded wing man, JS, slightly flat arc, aim at the tip of the branch of the tree on the far right with the pig in the fork. if you hit right, it will take out the pig on the branch and bounce back to clear out the left. one and done