• MULTIMILLIONAlRE uploaded a new picture: image.jpg 11 years, 3 months ago

    Temporarily ahead of the great @schattiphoto on winter wonderham but damn those hackers darkgaminglord!

    • @multimillionaire What scores are those? I’m currently at 3.8 mil not 650k????

      • @schattiphoto I took this screenshot on about the 7th December lay in bed ill with a cold, and just spotted the upload photo section of angrybirdsnest so uploaded it. I tracked your progress from day 1 and tried to keep up with you but you are a beast!! I started playing seasons properly about 6 months ago, I was ranked about 20,000 and my goal was to get in top 1000. I am now sat at no.40 and like to think of myself as an elite member, realistically @donnmega is top ranked( I don’t know where @moonsabre has gone?) so in real terms I am ranked about 15th. I only play on iPhone, I wonder if I am highest iPhone player as I’m sure iPad would give advantage.i wish they would delete the hackers but I suppose it’s easy to see who the real players are. I gave up on wonderham and spent last 3 days going back over early seasons and picked up another 30,000 or so to overtake @imholein but it was difficult. Keep up the good work you god of flingers!