• AMslimfordy posted an update in the group AngryBirdsNest: Updates, Announcements, Issues 10 years, 10 months ago

    We have updated our Leaderboards so that we can now manually sort episodes within each edition of Angry Birds. This is most noticeable on the Facebook leaderboard, but almost every LB we have has been resorted!

    If you experience any strange orderings of episodes, it may be a caching issue, so try refreshing the page a few times to clear it up.

    • Note: The Seasons leaderboard is currently scrambled. While there’s an easy workaround that we COULD employ to clean it up, we chose not to for the moment. We’re gonna try to fix the bug first, but if it seems more difficult than expected, we’ll simply use the workaround going forward. We appreciate your patience.

      • I think this is a great new feature, every time I enter scores in the leaderboards the OCD in my has been a bit aggravated at way the levels are placed;)