What is your Favorite Bird?

Home Forums General Discussions Forum What is your Favorite Bird?

  • Mine is a tie between Chuck and Bubbles. Both have my favorite powers in the series, and both their normal and space design really appeal to me

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  • TheRedBird

    Red is best of the best characters to me.Leader of the flock,amazing powers especially ab2 and actually does an amazing job in angry birds epic.


    In terms of power? Bomb :)
    In terms of sympathy? I favour The Blues and Stella!


    My best friends are Chuck, Mathilda and Stella . I don’t like Terence/Tony and Bombbird.


    Bubbles, Stella or Silver would be my pick in terms of personality- their happy, cute, and amiable aside from the “anger” part- living a happy, carefree life, yet their still determined- a spot-on match to myself. Chuck, Bomb or The Blues would be a close second because of their goofy habits when it comes to generally speaking, and Red would be another option because he’s so widely famous (he’s my brother’s favorite). Terence, Matilda, and Hal, are okay to me- but I still find them cool in some way


    The hatchlings!!!


    In terms of gameplay I like both Matilda and Bomb.
    In terms of design I prefer Silver and I like the fact that she has a different backstory than the other birds. I also wonder if the birds knew she even existed.

    Pigineer Mec

    My Favorite Angry Birds Character
    Silver. Because of her personality. She is goofy and smart. (Just like me!)
    And Red was my favorite around 4 years ago.


    I can’t really choose one
    I really like the cute little blue birds
    I also really like red bird and bomb bird

    Mechanic Pig

    The Blues
    Telebird (Angry birds seasons)
    Shockwave (angry birds seasons)
    Other birds I don’t know

    Mechanic Pig

    Telebird is useful for collecting golden eggs and Quest items for bird wear.

Home Forums General Discussions Forum What is your Favorite Bird?

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