What are shotgun pigs?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum What are shotgun pigs?

  • Various posts are talking about shotgun pigs, but I’m not sure what they are. Can anyone upload a screenshot of them?

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  • Anonymous

    I can’t post a sceenshot but I can explain them.

    Shotgun pigs are these heavy armored pigs that shoot many bullets at one time and do half to a whole heart of damage in one hit. They are very deadly so don’t underestimate them. It makes them mad :0.

    They start appearing when your at a higher level and you will definitely know when you see one.


    They also have big red helmets to extinguish them.

    I couldn’t get a very good shot, but I assume this one is a shotgun pig? It’s got the heavy red armor and I started losing lots of health when he showed up.


    I despise these guys so I was just asking to confirm so I know who to destroy if multiple types are onscreen.


    @sorachan Yup that’s them!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum What are shotgun pigs?

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