The Trouble With Eggs ?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum The Trouble With Eggs ?

  • Anyone else having probs getting rarium eggs in piglab or in regular play ?

    For the last Three Days, I have only received eggs thru missions. They haven’t been offered in main map play and though offered in piglab, it just doesn’t land on eggs anymore. You used regularly get three eggs with two purple chips and a ratchet chip, but in the last Three Days I must have tried that thirty or forty times with no success.

    Is there another formula now ? We all know it’s not truly random, so if anyone has any tips, it would be nice to know . Thanks

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  • The Dark Knight

    @mehh the pig lab has stopped giving games with the softupdate has removed the gems from the pig lab so whatever formula you try even the 3 rarerium that can achieve at last 20 gems are now coins.

    And also the super rareium is very rarely given in normal nodes from the map I have seen around 50-60 nodes to see one and only super rareium in a normal node from the map.


    I wasn’t asking about jewels. Only eggs. You used to consistently get eggs through map events or pig lab, but for the last three days, I only received 2 via missions

    Wondering if there are others solutions


    I haven’t been using the lab much since they got rid of the gems but I have landed on Rareiums a couple times since then. I think you have just been very unlucky.


    I also haven’t used the lab since they got rid of the gems but I used to get super rareium fairly commonly (about 1 in 5 maybe a little more) with 3 anger chips or 3 badness chips.

    As for the map I have only be playing since August and I think I have received less than 10 from it so if you have been “consistently” getting them from the map your doing better than me. Think the times they did show up I already had 5 sitting in the silo ready to use to upgrade a character to level 15.


    Actually it was probably more than 1 in 5. It was probably 1 in 5 when it didn’t land on the chips when it landed on the chips I just collected and re-used them to spin again. So probably 1 in 5 when not landing on chips.


    I typically get my Super Rarium from the mission portals. IDK about the lab though

    The Dark Knight

    @rowdypup in the Pig Lab witho two recipes 3x Anger Chips or 3x Decepticon Chips gives one Super Rarerium.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum The Trouble With Eggs ?

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