Spark Run!

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  • ED209

    Looks like the spark run is back is crashing. Just did a spark run and got nearly to the end and crashed to home screen, I haven’t had it crash in ages.


    Just passed level 89. Tomorrow will play on level 90. Did anyone reached and passed level 100? I am just curious how much levels there are after update?


    Just beat Level 96 today.

    I wish they would award us extra points for all the health our tfs have when they finish the runs.


    @gabe-nestor Today I passed level 93. After update never reached full promotion of sparks, but at least some times get 4 of 5 part, most of the time 3 of 5. Today was very close. I didn’t reach 4 of 5 part just for 700 points. At this moment with 4 bots I have 440%.


    Some people love this game too much.

    I’m still at level 26, lol.


    @20qmindreader Thanks for the info. Please update us when you pass more levels. Thanks.


    There is a very thorough guide to Spark Runs (edit: link below) in the ABTDP group on Facebook.

    ABTDP is a ‘closed’ group but it is easy to join and they welcome players of this game.



    @avip2u That link does not work for me. An embedded text link would help.


    @avip2u Dude, those links are from a group which I am not a part of. I cannot view those links. That’s what I meant the first time. I or anyone cannot view posts from a group I or anyone haven’t joined.


    @datguygamer  …Join the group.


    @avip2u Please, post the text here. I can’t see the text either, but also I can’t join this group because I don’t have facebook. It will be good gesture from you to post text here.


    Who are the 3 “must haves” for spark runs…. And even a 4th???? Thanks


    @otter My four candidates:

    1st: Max Overpower Energon Starscream: Rarely dies due to getting health back from energon and also is fully accessorized thus getting explosive rounds and blowing up everything easily except for WMTs.

    2nd: Max Overpower Lockdown: Same as above except for health

    3rd: Max Overpower Chromia: Her shots make short work of everything and the blocks thrown off-screen do get destroyed and sparks are also given

    4th: Level 15 Dead End: His shots can easily destroy everything though the reload speed sucks now. Also since he is not Overpowered, I am putting him last.


    Fully agree for Dead End. He is probably best for Spark Run after updates and nurfing UM. Mine team is my four bots with sparks promotion. Ratchet – purple crown. E Grimlock – Gold Crown. Dead End – Gold Crown. UM – one step before Gold Crown. Once I complete Gold Crown for UM will continue to upgrade Dead End. Ratchet and Dead End are my favorite for the events, no metter which other bot is promoted for current event. At this moment I will not going to promote any other bot. First i will go to Purple Crown to everyone that I mention.


    My 4 are Dead End (gold crown), UM (gold crown), Ratchet (purple crown), and Acid Storm (gold crown). I don’t actually care about Acid Storm, he was the lucky recipient of my spark stash when Trypticon came up for the token exchange.

    I wish Dead End had some type of defense boost accessory. He is in a hurry to die every time I try the spark run. He rarely makes past the second section.


    Just passed level 100 and will continue forward 🙂


    My team is the following:
    Dead End (45%)
    Energon Grimlock (140%)
    Soundwave (105%)
    Ultimate megatron (140%)

    Total bonus: 430%

    I use them in this order. I don’t use other bots mainly because those are my most promoted. I used to put UM first, but after the addition of a 4th bot I put Dead End on the team, and he does great. I usually reach the 3rd or 4th node with him, unless I make some mistake.

    I’m currently on level 105. It seem that the score reached its maximum now. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but the score needed to reach each threshold is not increasing anymore. Here are my prizes for the last three runs:




    Good thing that the spark reward continue increasing. That is absolutely recommended to keep progressing through the levels now. Unfortunately, according to some math that I did, the maximum of 300k points is unreachable. I have 430% now If i had the max of 560%, my score would be 240k.


    @ramonpontes That means they will again increase the max rank someday.


    This, or they will offer the 5th slot for another bot.

    Drover’s Dog

    Spark run today was Desert/Pig City/ Desert/ Pig City/ Desert which happen to be the lowest scoring sections…. not happy


    Today was a day with a lot flying pigs. From a long time doesn’t see that much. Luckily for me Dead End do fine and gave me opportunity to get to the end of level 103.


    How are you going lately? At what level are you now?


    @20qmindreader Good Luck, but you mention something about level 116 a week ago? Some other player?


    @20qmindreader Thanks. That was info that I was looking for. I am currently at level 104-105 and don’t spending Gems to play two levels every day, so I will go one by one every day. Just wanted to know what is the higher level after update.


    Level 107 😀



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