Pig City-2

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Pig City-2

  • The girl pig dodges everything! How can I kill her? Unsure which bird and gear to use. Thanks in advance!

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  • burbman

    Samurai, Cannoneer, Druid, Rainbird all work. Depending on level/rank of the first two, you may need to use an older weapon that does lower damage.


    @kammy81 — Prince Porky ignores damage that is too high. Samurai for Red, Cannoneer for Bomb, No weapons with critical for either, Healer to round out party.


    Thanks guys. I actually beat her shortly after I posted this. I can’t remember what I ended up using now though. I’m stuck at WizPig atm. I’m thinking I’ll need to grind and upgrade more to beat him. Any suggestions?


    @kammy81 Samurai Druid and Tricksters should do you well. Samurai defends charge attack and Tricksters takes care of that Power-Up Shroom ability that gives him double damage.

    Doc Mayank

    I had difficulty with Wizpig’s castle as I was quite low leveled and didn’t purchase Paladin back then. The way I did it, was grind for chili cakes and potions. Use the cakes to stun wiz pig with tricksters. When there were 2 many ghosts, I used chili on Prince Porky to get rid of most of ’em. Hope this helps.


    Thanks @doc-maynak I’m only lvl 17 with mastery of most classes at 4-5. I’m just farming like crazy to make potions otherwise I doubt I’ll be able to beat him for awhile. I do have paladin at mastery of 5 though.

    Zack Voyager

    Personnally, this level is the only level (excepted CP-7 and some dungeons) I wasn’t able to 3-star. I have no problem with PP’s dodge power (Tip: keep your old legendaries) but I always 2-star it because of the huge number of turns it takes me to knock him out. Any advice ?

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