Permanent characters just popping up

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Permanent characters just popping up

  • Over the last few days I have noticed that some of my characters are permanent. I have not purchased perms. I thought I got perm Anakin podracers on carbonite, but now I am not sure. I just noticed that I have permanent Darth Mauls. Is this something new? Anyone else getting these? I am using a Kindle Fire HD. Purchased ABSW2 from Amazon. I am surely not complaining, but I am very curious.

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  • SnTrooper

    @gabirdman E1 Anakin and Maul are rewards for three staring the Master Your Destiny levels.


    Hey, that’s great to hear. I hope awarding permanent characters for iOS and Android will become a habit for Rovio. It really helps level the playing field for all the coins we can collect on PC. Speaking of which, I can hardly wait for the Master Your Destiny update for PC. Hope we don’t have to wait 6 months like last time. Playing on PC is a true exercise in patience! (;

    GA Birdman

    @sntrooper I don’t understand that. I got the permanent Anakin prior to three-starring either the bird or pork sides.

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