New 'Old' Event – 'For the Pirate King!' – 09/28/15

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum New 'Old' Event – 'For the Pirate King!' – 09/28/15

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  • Dallasreds

    I got the gold coins every time but they weren’t LCs because I was watching the counter. If @datguygamer thinks he got LCs then he may have been ingesting too many magic mushrooms.


    @toolow @smwforever45 I never once got Snouts. I actually never got them. D:

    Lol, maybe I should cut down on taking too many of those. XD Anyway, I definitely got 4 of them throughout the event and had gotten them in the past from those dead pig events. Those golden Snoutlings are definitely confusing (especially if your map is zoomed out) but I got LCs. Hopefully you guys can get better rewards next time. :)


    Or, as Rovio support puts it, the rest of us are all just unlucky. ©


    SERIOUSLY?! The gods MUST BE smiling at you ONLY!
    Or may be you have so much LCs that ABE just confused LC for Snoutings :)


    Turning green yet? No? Just checking…


    So you get LC’s and we all get Snouts? It’s like Rovio has changed something in the code specifically for you…
    IF (username=”datguygamer”) {
    GIVE (“Lucky Coin”)};
    ELSE {
    GIVE (“50 Snoutlings”)}
    Pseudo-code, yay. XD


    Let’s put it like this, I feel a bit of orange on me… slowly going into the green direction. XD


    Uh oh…

    We better watch out,
    We better not cry,
    We better not pout,
    I’m telling you why:
    Green Santa Yoshi’s coming to town!


    @toolow I can almost imagine you as a rapper.

    Haha, if only it was true. I find it funny how I get a rarer currency from the map presents but never got Snoutlings which have a higher drop rate than Lucky Coins.

    Now if only I could get a lot of FEs each day…


    @pixelyzed The only problem I had with the event was a complete lack of interest… AND I suck at events. XD


    @smwforever45 I suspect @datguygamer is a plant from either Rovio or Chimera, telling us it is possible to get LCs or or multiple payouts from the presents, or Enchanted Unicorn weapons from the GPM so that we keep playing, and spending money. Yeah. That’s it. Full-on conspiracy theory. Let’s see him deny this.


    @jamairoqui I am far more sinister than that. Spend moar money I mean stay true to your path. GIVE US MONEY Umm, give us your supprt. Yeah, that’s it.


    @datguygamer We all believe you, with all sincerity. Hey, where did my car payment go?


    @pointless WE HAVE IT, HAHAHA! I actually don’t know. Sorry sir but you should ask the next guy.


    I kind of prefer events to the Arena now. AT least there’s a point to them! ;) Never understood why the Arena doesn’t drop mastery… That seems wrong to me ;)


    @pixelyzed You mean the arena is……POINTLESS. XD
    (I hope he doesn’t kill me.)


    @datguygamer @angryde :)

    Yes, it is pointless to me now. I still try to make objectives but don’t grind much if at all.


    @pixelyzed Honestly speaking the only thing that the arena rewards you are shards. That’s it. It’s better to just stick to the daily calendar for that.


    @datguygamer did you ever wonder why I chose that handle? A comment on gaming in general, sure, but especially so for certain ones…(not to mention any names, ahem).
    We are all certifiable, though, that much has been established :X


    @pointless true, I got that vibe already from your name at the earliest. Yeah, I get what you mean. :)


    @datguygamer But the calendar gives out 8 shards per month. If you get to platinum you can get 8 shards per week. Shards are *really* valuable in the new game economy since they are so hard to get. That makes grinding arena worthwhile if you are a “cheap” player looking to advance without paying real money for LCs to buy shards. Get to diamond or platinum early in the season, and you could get almost 100 shards, which would take you a year through the calendar (and of course, that would allow you to max out two set items, so the whole enterprise is ludicrously stupid if you take a step back and think about it, which is why I stress you *should not*, never ever, take a step back and think about it).

    Plus, in the “new game economy,” snoutlings are more valuable since it is much harder to accumulate them. Especially if you are also trying to buy as much mastery as possible through the dojo snout offers. So getting a high place in arena, with the 2000+ snoutling payout, is not a trivial prize (although in the heyday of SRC and DPC, 1000 snoutlings represented about 10 minutes of game play on auto).

    The more I think about the way the game got restructured, the more I kind of respect Chimera in a sick twisted way. They really put some thought into the best way to bleed car payments out of people.


    @jamairoqui The only thing arena interested me about was the items. I collected all items from all leagues and now I am collecting trophies. Shards are really not what I care from the arena. I understand other people might not be able to agree with me, that this is what I think.


    @datguygamer Ha! I completely get you about the trophies. I’m highly motivated this season because diamond-Bomb is the one diamond trophy I don’t have.

    But if I get that, what next? Try to get a set of every trophy for every bird possible? 5 diamonds, 5 platinums, 5 golds, etc.? But if I go for that, I just *know* I will be one gold from completing the set of all 30 and they will add a sixth bird.


    @jamairoqui Yes, I am going for all 30 trophies (if the game lasts that long though). So far I have 7 trophies, let’s see how many I can collect before this game gets discontinued. :P


    @datguygamer Getting that last wood is gonna be tough. Which I hear they also say a lot in the porn industry. So you might want to phrase that differently when the time comes around.

    The game will be around so long that by the time you are getting your 49th trophy (they added two more birds, and another level), you will be playing arena in a full VR environment with a direct neural link, so the game includes smell. Which, if you’ve ever visited an actual rookery or aviary, you will understand will not be a good thing.


    @jamairoqui “Getting that last wood…” Lol, but I never said that anyway.


    @datguygamer But you will want to tell everyone in a few years once you’ve completed the set. I know I would, no pun intended. I was suggesting you not say something like “I finally got the trophy for my last wood Blues.”

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum New 'Old' Event – 'For the Pirate King!' – 09/28/15

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