Moonracer! – New Character!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Moonracer! – New Character!

  • In my news feed the new character is up. Another freaky Stella Bot…

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Time to start collecting blue materials again.


    Here some pics of her





    Figures they would recycle the last bot frame.


    wow abt changed a looot, woah


    She is in the Wreckers squad?!?!

    The Dark Knight

    Moonracer is a Nautica but with a Stella inside… nothing special… all the same recycled bots with other color work… no new here…


    Same dumb boomerang weapon trajectory as the last bot, too.

    The Dark Knight

    Moonracer just appeared at the Golden crates as Legendary Item.


    her being in gold crates now means we should get a wrecker event next

    The Dark Knight

    Moonracer is also available to be unlocked at Tower of Fortune as of today in level 90 (top level) which i unlocked her by pure pure pure lack with trying and spend out 800 gems in total of continue leveling up trying to top the 90 level And my GOOD LORD! I unlocked her!

    I was pure lucky! But the fortune tower is the biggest gamble it remembers me so much those “fruits” casino games

    This ain’t gonna happen again. It’s way to risky!

    From the bright side now as i mentioned i got from that Moonracer also the sparks that i collected 72.671 and 19891 tokens i overpowered asap Energized Megatron and Energized Nautica plus i grabbed the 3 Sparks Canister!

    But it’s given to say that even if you are so damn lucky to get up to level 90 at the top of the tower it’s not also possible that the selection you made will be 100% the new character, so it’s also another gamble there…

    P.S. should i try and buy a lottery ticket for this week? It’s good money in the lottery! Cause if i am so damn lucky this time with the game i might be lucky and in my real life!



    That is freakin AWESOME!!  Congratulations!!  Level 90 on 800 gems?!  Unbelievable!  That’s gotta be the lowest gem expenditure ever for level 90.  Did you take a screenshot of your rewards?  During Novastar I hit level 40 twice in a row and got 20,000 tokens, but only about 8,000 sparks.  I gained only 800 gems.

    The Dark Knight

    @seaspray no i haven’t taken a screen shoot! :( Sorry i was so damn hyped at the moment when achieved this and i totally forgotten! But it’s true it’s the biggest ever gamble EVER that i did in my life up to this point!

    Normally i wouldn’t play or use gems in any other than buying bundles with characters. But today i didn’t know why i did this! I never buying golden crates with gems i did this mistake twice in the past trying to get Red Alert but it was pointless because 2×1800 3600 gems and at the same time the 2000 gem bundle was offered so i felt stupid.

    Though i loose in the end 800 gems, balanced from those i won during the run and used those level ups.

    P.S. I will play in my real time a lottery game who know :D Maybe today is my lucky day?


    Her projectiles are just weird to say the least but her area of effect and damage output is amazing


    Just purchased the Moonracer bundle.

    The bundle price went up for me again.  Way back when they started offering them to me it was 500 gems, several events back it went up to 750.  For this one, they offered it to me for 1,000.

    I wonder how much higher it will go, and how much higher before I say “no”?

    The 1,000 gems got me Moonracer plus 10,000 Sparks.


    my 1000 gem bundle offer (only offer) comes with pistol and 10k sparks


    Now I feel gypped.


    You’d think they’d give everyone the same bundle options, like 1k, 2k and 5k.  I’d buy some gems if I could spend them on a 5k bundle and get 100k sparks.  I guess R/E wants to keep their Moonracer more than they want my $49.99.  10k tokens is just not achievable at my level.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Moonracer! – New Character!

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