Mastery Points

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  • kolchin

    I’m looking for a way to grind up a new class I bought. I’m buying the snoutling dojo offerings of course, but want another way to get it. I took a look at the guide and saw this:

    3. Caves
    The next best source for Mastery are the Chronicle Caves (given that either your birds are strong enough, or you have a lot of friends you can use). Note that you can only use caves to level up two of your birds, since the third bird has to be an ally.
    Excellent levels are Caves 1-5, 4-5, 11-4 and 13-5, for example, all of them spawning Brutes (1-5 spawns Shamans too).
    1-5 gives ~90 Mastery per run per bird.
    4-5 gives ~120 Mastery per run per bird because of the higher pig level.
    11-4 gives ~120-150 Mastery per run per bird despite having only 7 waves.
    13-5 gives ~210 Mastery per run per bird; however, this level can be troublesome for auto-play to clear, so play with caution.
    These cave levels are also quite good to grind for Snoutlings!

    Looks like the best way to get mastery is to go to the caves and find the brutes. 17-4 is a 10 wave cave level with a brute or two in every wave. Is there a reason it’s not listed in this guide, or is the guide out of date? Should I still grind 13-5, or is 17-4 better?

    Also, is what I’m thinking right? The fastest way to get mastery is to buy dojo points as often as possible and grind 13-5 (or 17.4) as much as possible?


    The pigs in cave 17 drop the same amount of mastery as those in caves 11 through16, but they’re stronger, so there’s really no reason to go there. Cave 11-4 is the best for mastery per minute, and 13-5 is the best for mastery per run. If your birds aren’t strong enough to autoplay those yet, go for 4-5.

    And yes, buying snoutling offers at the dojo is the best way to level up all your classes in the aggregate. Caves are best for specific classes.


    I should add that the specific types of pigs you’ll be getting the most mastery from are the non-Brutes (and non-Shamans) in those caves. Brutes and Shamans drop mastery at the same rate as the rest of the pigs in the game, but Brawlers, Frost Hogs, and Frankenpigs drop mastery 100% of the time.


    Exactly what @poptimus said. As I also said in the first post, the pigs you’ll face in Cave 11 and in Cave 17 drop the exact same Mastery, despite Cave 11 being a lot easier.

    By the way, 17-4 is a 7-wave level not 10-wave, just like every 3rd, 4th and 7th level of each cave :)

    If the guide was outdated then I would update it. I look here every day :D


    @poptimus @smwforever45 Thanks guys for the quick responses! 13-5 it is! I can autoplay it with the friendly pigs, so I guess that’s the way I’ll go!

    That being said, I wish, now that there are so many mastery levels, there was an easy way to get a brand new class up to a respectable mastery level.


    Have you considered creating a fake facebook account for the purpose of this game? I did, and it’s been a huge help in mastery grinding. Borrowing other peoples’ birds helps autoplay in those cave levels immensely, not to mention all the extra lucky coins and friendship essence you get out of it.


    I’ve been on facebook boards and have added a handful of “Friends” from there. I add them and then put them on my restrictive group. So I get the benefits from them, and you’re right they are great.


    Yuck! I accidentally spent 10 LC’s when going through my friends list for more Mastery grinding…
    Not too big of a loss but still… Stupid me! T-bird just moved one step further away XD

    BTW, my Witch made it to M10, Pirate is soon to follow to M11!


    @smwforever45 OMG we did the same thing at exactly the same time :-D I accidentally paid-to-use/hire (again) too… so damn annoyed!!


    Oh wow XD

    Have you also accidentally tapped a “500 for every class of Bomb” offer later on? Then we must be twins XD


    @smwforever45 Oh no, dude, not a double whammy… that blows. Hard!


    I know! DX
    At 2:00 I’ll be getting 30 LC’s from the Calendar, I’m wondering if I should keep saving them up for T-bird, or spend them on Skulkers immediately…


    @smwforever45 I would suggest getting Skulkers, as you won’t have enough for TBird by the end of the coming Event. That Mastery, especially if you’re fortunate enough to be on the winning side, will be a nice bump for a new Class.


    If your arena goals are anything like mine, keep hoarding those LCs for TBird!
    I am still mad at Skulkers for not being a Chuck class.. Want to use at the same time as Rogues…


    @smwforever45 I accidentally bought “500 for every class of Bomb” yesterday. :(


    True, and also, if I get Skulkers then my only missing classes are T-bird and Illusionist, both being Chuck classes. I’d have a much easier time getting those to M15 once my other classes are there!


    I often get T-bird objectives, yeah… :( However, T-bird costs 260 LC’s and I have 103… with the LC’s from tomorrow, that’s halfway there. It would probably take me another month until I could finally have it. When I could get Skulkers right away…


    Such a misdesigned menu isn’t it? :(


    Here we go, I did it! Another fresh new class which will hopefully be of good use for me :D

    Now to save up for T-Bird! 255 LC’s to go. XD


    @smwforever45 cannot really say the menu is misdesigned. I was just careless. :(

    Skulkers is really good. 30% more damage, negative effects for all enemies…


    It’s also misdesigned, in favour of Rovio.

    I’m mostly about the 30% extra damage but I’m curious to see all the new combos that could be possible with Skulkers. Druid+Skulkers would work fairly well (vines for all), but Thunderbird+Skulkers as well (25% more damage taken for all), or maybe even Bard+Skulkers (stunning all enemies at once?). Too bad Skulkers+Rogues doesn’t work, as @epicgrindr already pointed out. That would be killer :(


    Unfortunately, Skulkers+Bard does not stun all targets. Oddly enough, if you use Skulkers on Bard, the stun does not always affect the attacked target (unless there is only one target): it sometimes stuns one other target. Basically, this begs the question: “Is stun actually considered a status infliction?” I will try to test by equipping StoneGuard with something that doesn’t ever give bonus damage and see if it does 150% damage on a stunned opponent.

    Edit: Yes, StoneGuard does extra damage to stunned opponent, so I guess stun IS considered a status infliction, so apparently Skulkers’ “Tricksy Trick” just can’t process a randomly inflicted status properly. The “apply to all enemies” code probably gets processed (with Bard) as, “15% chance to inflict stun on all enemies”.
    Further testing confirms this, as I just got Tricksy Trick to stun 2 pigs.
    Still, it is a disappointing interpretation of what players expect it to mean, lol.


    @smwforever45 as you don’t (yet) have TBird, then see what Skulkers/SeaDog is capable of doing. I know the two are low in Mastery right now, but I do use the combo fairly often for certain objectives (not to mention single Boss fights).


    @epicgrindr 15% chance to inflict stun. if there are 4 enemies, the chance to get all 4 stunned is 15%^4= 0.050625%. not impossible but just very slim.


    Could also be that if bard stuns the enemy then all are stunned but if it is the nightmare set that does the stun then only the target in question is stunned. Or there is a difference between bird abilities and item effects in Skulkers case.


    Ooooooh okay, too bad :( But it’s still cool because you have a small chance to stun multiple enemies! Kinda does the same as Pigiana Jones’ rage ability.


    My Elite Seadog is soon to reach M9 which will make him stronger than the M10 Bomb classes I have :) He’s already useable since M6 and currently Bomb has the second most health of all my birds, right behind Red :)

    I’ll try and boost Skulkers a bit, but you can’t really do much with a bird at M2 or M3 and it takes a lot longer to get out of the low-level pit since the Mastery re-balance.


    @smwforever45 wait until you get the beast to M15 :) My ESeaDog hits for almost 4K base.

    And my fifth at M15, and first “accessory” Class (meaning one I don’t use often).


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