Mastery Points

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  • MVNLA2

    @Larry — A very interesting thought. I have regularly been buying 1000 for all when I have enough LC. However the last time I spent LC it was on RR, since a lot of my classes are at rank 10.


    @mvnla2 After 20 visits, my average is now 5.45 snoutling offers per visit. My Capt’n gained rank 10 on Thursday, but the average of visits before then is currently identical to the average of visits since.


    You get no bread with one meatball and you get no mastery points in the arena.


    I’m not sure if this has been brought up before but I wonder which use of LC’s is better? Buying all the snoutling upgrades available and then using the 5 LC’s to reset the Dojo for roughly 15 times or just buying the 1000 for all at 75 LC’s?

    With the “1000 for all” that equals 25,000 mastery points total if all birds are not rank 10 and have been unlocked. To get the same amount of mastery by resetting the Dojo for 5 LC then you need to average 3.33 snoutling opportunities per new Dojo.

    From reading the past few pages it seems that most people are averaging higher than the 3.33 so maybe this is the better use of LC to pay for mastery. It may not be the birds you want but the return is far greater.


    @larry — Do I have the data for all your trips to the Dojo?

    @mvnla2, today I had 1 and 6. Another is coming up tonight.

    I think @mindset83 has a sound idea. I’ll give it a go tonight and see if the return is bigger after spending LC’s… I’ll post the results here about how many LC’s I will have spent for 50 snoutling upgrades and how many of these I get for 75 LC.


    Thanks Larry! Don’t know why it took me so long to think of it. I want to try it as well however my tablet is gone until next Sunday so I just have to go through epic withdraws until then.

    @mindset83, @mvnla2, Didn’t want to postpone. Was too curious. It’s definitely better than spending 75 LC! My goodness, why didn’t I think of this sooner either.

    Here’s the stats summary:
    Reached 25000 mastery after spending 45LC
    With 75 LC I reached a total of 45500 mastery, almost double of the 75 for 1000 for all.
    In total I spent 6552 snoutlings (72 each)
    The dojo was already depleted when I started spending LC’s.

    Here’s the raw data:
    round/ Snoutling offerings bought
    1/ 4
    2/ 4
    3/ 6
    4/ 1
    5/ 9
    6/ 5
    7/ 4
    8/ 6
    9/ 16 (reached 25k this round)
    10/ 7
    11/ 4
    12/ 3
    13/ 9
    14/ 5
    15/ 8

    @mvnla2, FYI, the druid is now also lvl 9 with thanks to the experiment above.

    This was going so well, I’ll give it another run tonight… :)


    Awesome. Can’t wait to try it out next week.


    @Larry — This is the data I have for you prior to the list you posted above. Is it complete?
    5, 5, 8, 7, 4, 7, 3, 9, 9, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 6

    @mvnla2, not sure. After posting i did not record it anywhere. If it is what i posted, it should be correct. The lc reroll for the dojo seems to give a much better average.


    @mindset83 @larry — Great observation! This may actually work even if you have several birds at rank 10.


    Summary of where we are now on mastery from the Dojo:
    With rank 10 classes (MVNLA2 and @Dr_Ishmael)
    I have 2 rank 10 classes for each bird, except for Chuck, for whom I have 1

    — How many rank 10 classes do you have?
    total trips = 62
    Average offers = 5.5
    With highest rank = 9 (@Larry and @Laxietoo)
    total trips = 62 (pure coincidence)
    Average offers = 5.4 (not a significant difference)
    Both Larry and I have done some Rainbow Riots recently.

    So bottom line is that as far as we’ve gone in collecting data, there is no difference between the mastery upgrades offered if you have the highest rank of 10 or highest rank of 9. This is totally not what we (or at least I) expected.
    I’ve also kept track of offers before and after some of my birds gained rank 10. I expected the number of offers to decrease; they have not.


    @larry — True about your numbers for with and without LC reset of Dojo, but not sure there’s enough data to be significant.

    @mvnla2 True. Could just be a statistical thing. I may just get a whole lot of snoutling offerings soon. I’m farming them as we speak to get a good supply for the re-roll strategy. I’ll keep track of it all and send it over to you with private messages and post the summaries in here to keep the forum a bit readable.

    @mindset83, @mvnla2, Second round of 75 LC gave me the folowing summary:

    Reached 25000 mastery after spending 50LC
    With 75 LC I reached a total of 44000 mastery, almost double of the 75 for 1000 for all.
    In total I spent 6336 snoutlings (72 each)
    The dojo was already depleted when I started spending LC’s.

    I can’t farm snoutlings fast enough for this… :)

    Btw, lightningbird just upgraded to 9 as well.


    I thought of the 5 LC reset months ago when it first came out, but I consider it a waste since you only have to wait 3 hours for the dojo to reset. If they changed the dojo back to reset every 24 hours instead of every 3 hours, then it might be worthwhile to pay 5 LC for the reset. Theoretically you can get up to 8 resets/day. I average 6/day because all I do is set an alarm on my cell phone to go off every 3 hours after I make a purchase. I have 7 rank 10 birds, 16 rank 9 and one rank 8. I never intentionally spent LC on training, but I have accidentally spent 75 and 15 LC.


    To me it looks like spending 5 LC and the snoutlings is clearly more worthwhile than spending the 75 LC for 1000 for all. And this is especially true if you have any Mastery Rank 10 classes. Each Rank 10 class brings the total return down by 1000 mastery points.

    Great to see you using your power (or your LCs at least) for good. You must have LCs to burn for the moment while the exploit still works, particularly if you have most or all set items at level 41.


    @mvnla2 I have 3 now, after Capt’n reached 10.

    @kerravon, Well, I was saving up for the diamond cauldron but this seemed worthwhile. Been trying to get my birds up for so long now that I’ll be happy if this is finally done. It’ll take a few more months though unless another big event comes through soon.

    Besides, if the update takes much longer to come through, I may be able to get my cauldron after all.


    @larry You must be playing, exploiting and snoutling farming around the clock.
    I still don’t know that a diamond cauldron is worthwhile, unless you are completing the set.

    And you realise that they will probably bump the Max Mastery rank up with the next update, so it won’t be done.


    @mvnla2 Here is some updated info. Friday was lost due to deleting it by mistake. :-/





    @laxietoo — Thanks for the additional data! At least now the number of offers for highest rank of 9 are more than the number for highest rank 10. Still not sure if difference is significant.

    @mvnla2, here’s the info on my last run. Got 7 from the dojo before I started re-rolls again. It is my last run like this for now since I don’t have any snoutlings anymore. I’ll need to spend some days farming these before I can do it again.

    Reached 25000 mastery after spending 40LC
    With 75 LC I reached a total of 41000 mastery, lower than the other 2 runs, but I got high numbers until I reached 25K mastery.
    In total I spent 5904 snoutlings (72 each)

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