Manipulating the Rocket Bird

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Manipulating the Rocket Bird

  • I am just not getting how to work the new Rocket Bird in Rio.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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  • justpast40

    Mao (@mao-tse-tongue) I’ll try to help, but I’m unsure to which bird your refer & while I did complete all of High Dive, I’ve not even started the last Release (Rocket Rumble.) I imagine anything in Rocket Rumble is also in High Dive, so if you can post the level you’re having trouble with in High Dive I can help. Have you watched the Walkthrough video for the level you’re stuck on?


    As the Yellow “Rocket” bird rotates, so does the rocket. When you choose to activate his ability, he will travel in the direction that the rocket is pointing.


    Thanks for your replies… “As the Yellow “Rocket” bird rotates, so does the rocket. When you choose to activate his ability, he will travel in the direction that the rocket is pointing.” i did figure that out but I’ll be damned if i can get that bird to go the way I want it to. Playing on an 8″ tab i still can’t see where that rocket it pointing to when i want to activate it…. Guess I’ll keep on trying.

    Thanks again.

    Dr. Omega

    I play on my phone, so I feel your pain.

    The best advice I can offer – fling him toward where you need to blow. He rotates clockwise. Wait for him to get properly horizontal, then activate and he will fly horizontal at your target, riding the rocket.


    yeah i have that proble to


    there are a couple of things that help….. one is to focus in on the purple rocket…. don’t even look at the bird, that can sometimes be easier to follow with your eyes…. the bird just looks like a triangle so it’s easy to mix up.

    also, play the level alot of times in a row…. there is a pace or a timing that is able to be figured out…. you can almost shoot with your eyes closed, lol

    for instance, on the first bonus level…. i aim my bird at low part of tower…. wait like half a second and activate…. after a bit the timing between release and activating the rocket becomes really easy

    zoom in !!! ,lol…. that always heps

    also, if you fire the bird softly, it rotates slower, that can help and i don’t think it takes power away from the rockets speed when you activate

    good luck

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Manipulating the Rocket Bird

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