Formulas for attack power of weapons

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Formulas for attack power of weapons

  • Has anyone figured these out, I have been upgrading my lvl41 to lvl45 and I can’t remember if all of red’s off hands are upgraded or if none of them are. Obviously I have some that I can tell because there are at least one 45 and one 41.

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  • KillerKea

    I don’t remember the formula that Dr. Ishmael created, but this might help since the numbers are the same for all set items.

    Red Level 41 Offhand set items = 1394
    Red Level 45 Offhand set items = 1514
    Red Level 41 Set Weapons = 276
    Red Level 45 Set Weapons = 300


    @jmrexhau I can give you a simple formula for calculating the values for the set items for red. The factors vary for each bird.

    Value = (level+5) x factor

    Red Weapon: Factor = 6
    Red Offhand item: Factor = 30.3

    The values given are approximate but usually within 1 of the actual data.

    It is likely some rounding functions are used for the actual equations employed in the game. But we can’t zero in on a formula until we get more set item data. For links to the data, see the Golden Pig Machine thread – which you can locate easily via the new Epic Tips thread.


    Thanks guys, man all reds offhand items are 41, so I still need 9 Lvl 45s and 4 are for red.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Formulas for attack power of weapons

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