Arena season 10

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    @kennymcc @suzyq I also have reported him.


    @kennymcc no, that is not a consideration. Let’s leave it at that, shall we? Many have already figured out how to UP their strategy.


    @kennymcc Sorry for late reply but no, it is not like that. Inventory does not come into play in matchmaking.

    However, once you equip a strong item and play a battle, the server saves your strength and even if you equip a low class weapon, you will still get higher stat opponents.


    I mean that u equip that strong item only few times (and used it in battle) but next following days, weeks etc. u do arena battles without it. Will u still face stronger opponents in arena after those days, weeks…?


    @kennymcc When you equip a strong item and do battle for the first time after a day resets, you will face normal opponents as the server data gets fresh data after 24 hours. That’s why the first opponent is always a weak one. After you equip a strong item, the server gets your data and thus adjusts the opponents along with it. So for that day, even if you switch back to weak items, you will still face stronger opponents.

    So days matter rather than weeks, months etc.


    My friend told me that he scrapped strong banner set items (all level 72) that he didnt use and the power of opponents in arena grow weaker. I dont know if it is some coincidence or a real fact in this game.


    @kennymcc As far as I can see, inventory doesn’t matter at all in the matchmaking. There must have been something influencing the decrease in power and since your friend scrapped the items during that time phase, he must have thought that’s what did the lower rating.


    @kennymcc@ datguygamer Fascinating discussion, especially considering my approach to the arena. From my anecdotal perspective… what’s equipped re: classes, banners, emblems and gear definitely influences my opponents’ overall strength… I am consistently able to force the system to match me with teams in the 1700-2700 range. However, The moment I equip stronger “stuff”… the ranking flies off the end of the difficulty scale (anywhere between 3900-4300, at times). However, I will concede that that “effect” might simply be observer bias (?) – as my arena gear is not that strong in any case and certainly isn’t enchanted. Or, as @datguygamer suggests, my “success” might be wholly attributable to some sort of weird anomaly in the system..?


    @angryde In short terms, rating depends on what you have equipped (as the server saves your past data) or is equipping. It does not depend on a strong item that is stashed away in your inventory but haven’t been equipped ever. So your encounters are dependent on what you have but only if you use it, and not if you just keep it lying around. Like after I leveled up, I have a level 57 fully enchanted Valiant set. But I haven’t equipped it yet. However, since what I have equipped is currently a fully enchanted level 55 Justice Set, my opponents are strong around that figure. My opponents should have been stronger if the system had detected a stronger item in my inventory like @kennymcc suggested.


    FYI here’s the response I received from Rovio re: repeated Ad crashes in the Arena.



    So far I find that arena opponent ranking varies. If you set everything to the lowest levels, quit the game, clear the cache, then restart the game you will get a manageable opponent for a few battles but the length of time it helps will vary. And as of present the Piggy McCool unranked battle method is a trap that requires manual shut down to escape…


    @winkwink I’m not having this problem with the McCool reset… thank God!


    Again @toolow ? Maybe we have figured out that elusive ABN League :)


    @pointless Hah! Or may be most of our peers have retired from the arena…


    @toolow I think we’d find some takers. Might be fun :D


    So, a funny and slightly annoying thing happened to me last night in the arena. I was working on 2 objectives. I had 2 more birds to knock out with a rage ability, and I had to knock the banner out while all enemies were knocked out. I was using Paladin, Witch (with lasting song set) and Pirate. The enemy had Red, Matilda (with nature’s blessing set), and Blues. I can’t really remember what classes the opponents were using, but it’s irrelevant. What’s important is the set that each Matilda was using. I’m sure you can guess how this went down.

    Enemy Red was knocked out and their Matilda, Blues, and banner were all under 2000 health, so enough to knock them out with Pirate’s rage attack. So I went for it. But… of course, Enemy Matilda’s nature’s blessing stole the heal that my Matilda’s lasting song sent out with Pirate’s rage. Enemy Matilda was knocked out, even with the little KO bubble, but with the stolen heal her health bar was nearly full. So, needless to say, I did not make the objective. Not that big of a deal as I hadn’t lost any battles. But it was enough to make me go “Oh, son of a *****.” LOL I wish I’d taken a screen shot. I almost did, but I didn’t think that would mess with the objectives. I was wrong. =P


    “When I left you, I was but the learner’ now I am the master.”



    Finally, after waiting 4 weeks in Platinum I finally made it to first place and into Diamond ?


    I hope you made it too.




    I just received the Mythic Freezup emblem …. it guarantees that 50% of the time your match will freeze and you have to quit and lose a life…

    What does elusive mean?
    Recording sectratary
    ABN League


    @dallasreds I hate to break it to you, dear friend, but that Emblem is automatically awarded to every player upon installation of Epic. It’s their way of saying “thanks”…(oh, and spend RW$).

    I used to know what that word meant, but the more I think about it, the more it escapes me…


    @suzyq Congrats. It’s long overdue.

    I’m not sure $$ will help here, but I’d bet on the latest shinies than you-know-who.

    You just need to be pointed at the right direction.



    Thanks. When I started on the board last week 2 people already had 14k and there were also 2 others who are massive grinders, so I thought I had no chance.

    In the end it was easier than I thought. The 2 people who had 14k gave up and I was also able to stay in front of the 2 grinders with ease.

    Strange how it works out when you’re not expecting it to.


    @suzyq Unfortunately not… but I was damn close. With 2 hours to go I was 5000 trophies ahead of the person in 4th. I suspected they were saving their last day’s objectives… and had fully intended to log back in and perform some last minute grinding… but I got distracted by something on TV. Drat! The only reason I was even able to maintain such a decent leaderboard position was because I was on a very lackluster board. Had it been otherwise, what with my ongoing ad crash issues, I’d have stood no chance at all. And this week I’m doomed. Mid-level grinders. So, yeah, that’s that. :-/ I’m do glad you managed to reach diamond!



    Thank you, just sorry you didn’t make it too. Fingers crossed for next week.


    As further evidence that starting later in the week provides a way to play arena but not have to devote too much time to it and still advance, here is a screenshot of my leaderboard from two weeks ago (where I advanced from Silver to Gold, and where I will stay until the end of this season (note 1)). Aside from the fact that I nailed getting an even-thousand final score, this represents 3-days worth of objectives, so I only had to average 7000 points per day. It’s just not that time consuming to do that, I think I played on average 45 minutes per day. Last week I placed 4th, after carefully gauging the competition so I didn’t accidentally get 3 stars and promote myself out of the Gold trophy, and played even less.

    Starting later in the week, like after the Thursday objectives reset, is more civilized. It’s like it’s a game. Relaxing and fun even, because all the obsessives who grind for hours per day started days ago and the really-lazy-yet-super-competitive types who want to advance won’t start until Sunday.


    note 1: I don’t have a Gold trophy and this will complete my set of upper level trophies.

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