Angry Birds Epic version 1.4.3 is out

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic version 1.4.3 is out

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  • RedYoshi45

    If you have the LC’s and you don’t need them for anything else right now: Yes, do it. :P

    Angry Johnny

    @datguygamer The more I think about it the more I think you might have lucked out. The release notes states:

    – MORE ELITE CLASSES – upgrades for your favorite premium classes are now available. Watch out for a special introduction rate!

    From what I can read the Elite upgrades will not be a limited offer but they will be sold with a limited lower rate offer. I suspect that this lower rate would have been introduced together with the official Elite upgrades introductions (not the “leaked” introduction that has now happened).

    So in short; I probably bought 4 Elite upgrades for full price when I could have waited a while and got them for maybe half that. Whoops!


    Buybuybuy! lol! Life is short… YOLO, or whatevs. =D


    Guys – let’s not make assumptions drawing from the little provided information we’ve got. We’ll probably see soon enough :P
    But honestly, I don’t see why this would be a one-time offer. They never did that (leave out Elite Knight and Elite Mage… I’m still curious when they’re going to re-offer these)


    @grimmjow in point of fact they said they had already returned me to Silver but they haven’t yet. So I have asked when. They put me in wood with 18k. I had 30k in silver.

    I have some Elite class offers: Paladin, Seadog and Bard.


    @angryjohnny Well you are correct on the first part but I think this is the special introduction they are talking about meaning you got them for a lower price.

    Think about it. This offer is their introduction and for upgrades that give 10% boost to everything, they just cost 90 LCs when the base classes were more pricey (except for Paladin). This means the people who got the offer got to buy them for the discounted price.


    Well, got a lot of my classes to Rank 13, and my birds are suddenly very weak. I think it’s time for me to quit this game as well.


    Known issue, pretty sure they’ll get that fixed… I understand if you quit, though. Rovio hasn’t done much good lately.


    I don’t think they’d offer the Elite upgrades for 260 LC’s. That’d be so overpriced for the ridiculous boost. Even 90 LC’s feel like a lot.


    They left Valiant broken for… over a month? I don’t expect Rovio to fix this until next month.


    Is it just completely childish hopeful thinking for me to think that maybe, JUST maybe, since they’re adding all these elite classes, and raising level caps…. that perhaps something bigger and better is on its way? A new island? More cave levels? Another bird?? Something? ANYTHING!!? Pleeeeaaaaaase Rovio!! I love ABE, and it’s very evident that others do as well. But sadly, we’re losing players. GOOD players. Helpful players. (OMG speaking of which… GrauGeist just showed up as an arena opponent for me!! *wanders off to see how bad she gets her a$$ kicked*)


    Here are the classes that popped up for me:


    I immediately bought elite Paladin, Bard, and Skulkers, as those are classes I use regularly.

    Also, I used to think I had a lot of LC, but seeing all of your pics is making me rethink that. :D


    Some people are reporting Valiant has been fixed, though?


    As I said before: We can dream can we? :D
    It would be silly of Rovio to raise the level cap to 60 and not add any new PvE content.


    @whiteasice Valiant is fixed. I am using it again.


    What a bunch of shiny new baubles we have! Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing… A vain attempt to hide the crap that plagues this game, Has there been an update that didn’t contain huge bugs, usually in areas that weren’t even supposed to be changed? And then we wait like patient puppies for weeks for these to be fixed so we can be “happy” again


    Just opened the game and got my 30 LCs. Mccool was selling the upgrade for Pally, Bard, Sea Dog, Thunderbird and Skulkers. Bought Pally and Skulkers but couldn’t afford the others due to spending all my money on Shards when they were once useful…


    @datguygamer — I stopped playing Epic a few weeks ago, and nothing about this update makes me want to restart.


    I think I’ll join people who lost interest in that game!
    not sure if I’m going to try a bit, for now it’s a NO


    Got offers for the 5 as shown above and purchased them each at 90 LCs (I have lots). Nice designs, for the most part, but really somewhat meaningless overall. Not really trying to level up Mastery (another slog) and I take it this is broken right now anyways.
    At Lvl 55, will probably get to 60 and check out the Event etc starting in a few hours and after that…well, I don’t know. I can’t shake this overall bitterness and being booted back to Wood may just be icing on the cake.


    @mvnla2 Oh, I didn’t know that

    @anyone Can someone help me? Why am I not getting the offer on my main profile? It appeared on my second profile where I don’t even play anymore. HALP! I’ve tried reinstalling and whatnot but the offer just won’t show up! D:


    You already tried tapping the Elite switch button that appeared on all the Premium classes? That was how I originally noticed the offers.


    @mvnla2 sorry to hear you are longer playing as you are a valued member here giving good advice and information. :(


    I got 2 additional offers this morning: Thunderbird and Skulkers, both birds I use so I am pleased. I still have a very bad taste in my mouth regarding this update.


    I’ve only had the Elite Paladin and Elite Sea Dog offered, but both at 60 LC instead of 90.
    Bought those ofcourse, since they’re my favorite classes.

    After that they are still in the shop for 90LC… and none of the other 3 classes are there.
    Strange. I keep logging in, hoping for the other 3 classes.

    I can confirm that Valiant works again.


    Now they’re 60 instead of 90 LC’s? Damn. :(

    EDIT: Still at 90 on my game…
    Are certain people advantaged or what?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic version 1.4.3 is out

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