Angry Birds average scores entered.

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Angry Birds average scores entered.

  • I thought all scores entered must end in a zero? Why then do I see the average scores posted ending in numbers. What am I missing?

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  • burbman

    @witholt – The key here is that the average scores, are in fact, actual averages. If you average a group of numbers all ending in zero, there is a very low probability of the average generated also ending in zero.


    You are confusing median with average.

    Three scores:


    Average = (10+20+40)/3 = 23.3

    Median is the number in the middle: 20


    Thanks for the explanation. I must have missed that day in math class. Once you see the actual calculation done it all makes sense.
    Thanks again.

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Angry Birds average scores entered.

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