A game like AB: Epic?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum A game like AB: Epic?

  • Does anyone know a game similar to Epic? With these criteria:
    – RPG element (leveling, getting gear)
    – Can play at my own pace (I don’t mind daily tasks)
    – Preferably turnbased
    – No multiplayer like Clash of Clans
    – If multiplayer, something similar to Epic.
    – In-game purchases optional for gameplay progression

    (I’m 45/10 and getting bored again. I will keep playing Epic dailies, but looking for something else as well)

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  • KillerKea

    EPIC is very different from most RPGs. Unless you are playing a puzzle based RPG, you don’t 3 star levels. A game that I think meets your criteria might be Swords & Poker Adventures. There is a lot of strategy in that game. You always get to attack first except for some monsters. There is a daily bonus. However it is impossible to 3 star everything. You should be content to just finish levels. The very last level is absurdly difficult, but I managed to beat the game without spending any money.


    I found a game called Summoners War on Google Play. The description of the game is a lot like ABE.


    Hearthstone has a lot of similarities to Epic except that you play real people in your battles (the computer randomly selects opponents at a similar level). It is made by Blizzard and uses World of Warcraft characters (Druids, rogues, mages, etc) with damage cards (similar, I believe, to Magic the Gathering). It’s free to download, you play at your own pace, and you have a variety of characters you can level up while acquiring cards. You earn gold which can be used to “purchase” cards. Playing Epic in the arena has made it much easier for me to learn this game. I play both, but spend the majority of my time and energy on Epic.


    I came from many RPGs like Final Fantasy and Zelda. Epic is a lot different in many ways.
    You can buy weapons, off-hand gears, ingredient, material, but you can’t sell them for lucky coins or snoutings (but you can scrap set items for friend essence).
    Very simple touch-based battle system.
    You can share progress through Rovio account, but you can’t initialize the game.


    If you came here only to advertise a game you’re in the wrong place… This has no resemblance to Epic or Angry Birds…


Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum A game like AB: Epic?

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