Up side down Birds
  • Anyone knows why on AB:Classic the birds are some times tilted or even up side down before shooting them ?
    Just wondering if it had a meaning.
  • No I'm pretty sure it's just a bug, which is sometimes set when you try to fling the bird before it is fully seated in the upright and locked position. ;)
  • That usually happens when they are hit by flying blocks from the swing before
  • it happens when an object hits them thus tilting them
  • Sometimes happens to me when the sling shot is pulled back and a bird jumps and hits the one in the sling shot
  • @xBloopBloopx and AltaMarc: i'm agree
  • is this change the shot direction of the white bird?
  • @azmy, nope the egg comes straight down no matter where the rear end is facing. ;)
  • If something hits the bird when it is still in the sling shot, it tilts. Anything can tilt it except for pigs.
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