Help with Mighty Dragon picture identification
  • I keep seeing this pic floating around:

    Does anyone know where the image on the lower right comes from? I have checked around and can't find it anywhere. I want a bigger version for wallpaper. It looks like official Rovio stuff but it's not on their site or their Facebook and Google+ pages.

    Anyone know where it originated from?
  • where do you get these things?
  • Google search, AB Wikipedia
  • I'd say Rovio made it. You can always ask them for a link.
  • @DrOmega per Rovio: "The pic is a caption contest pic posted in Chinese social media, will be available on FB soon!"

    Stay Tuned!
  • Thanks, Sal9! I wrote to them, but they just referred me to the media and PR group and you need a company and website to talk to them.

    I checked the top three Chinese Social Media sites -, and but couldn't find the pic. Renren had an AB page, and they are most like Facebook, but it hadn't been updated since late November 2011.
  • It's up on their facebook page.
  • saw that.. finally got it! YAY!!
  • Rovio did not update their Facebook e-cards, does anyone know why?
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