Angry Birds Rio - never got update (answered)
  • I got Angry Birds Rio in the Amazon App Store quite a while ago. I completed Smugglers Den and Jungle Escape, every level with 3 stars. I've found all the pineapples and bananas. But in May when the first update came out I never got it.

    I noticed on the awards screen that there are empty stands between the pineapple and banana awards. Does this mean anything?

    What do I need to do to unlock the next level? I really miss playing Angry Birds!
  • 1 Comment
  • The May update (along with a few others) came out quite some time ago for Amazon. You may want to try uninstalling the "Amazon AppStore" app itself, and reinstalling.

    Those stands moved together in the May update. The initial setup made no sense. Now they are in order.
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