Angry Birds in the iCloud
  • I was wondering if there were any Angry Birds fans well-versed in iCloud even though it's not out yet. The generic marketing language on iCloud seems to indicate all your apps will magically sync themselves with this mystical cloud so that all your data will be available on all your iDevices. That sounds great, but I was hoping someone smarter than me could translate that into Angry Birds terms:

    If I buy an iPad 3 someday and install a fresh copy of AB on it, will this cloud thing allow me to grab all my scores, stars, feathers, eggs, achievements, etc with the push of a button?
    If I have AB installed on multiple devices, can I play on one, sync to the cloud, then grab the progress on the other device?
    Will it sync AB and AB HD?
  • I heard about the ABSync system back in the spring, but haven't heard anything new about it in a while so I thought it may have been scrapped.

    The link you posted is not working.
  • Link fixed.

    Last we heard, a beta was to be released soon.
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