Is getting 100% star completion on Hang 'em High THAT HARD??!!!
  • Like seriously, I got 100% completion on the first four episodes, got 100% on the first 15 levels of Mine & Dine easily, and 100% on all episodes of Angry Birds Rio, yet getting 3 stars on over 70% of the levels of Hang 'em High is seemingly impossible??? What's going on here? Are the score requirements too high or is it those stupid hats? The pigs wear helmets on Mine & Dine, but they were easy to overcome. Maybe the game needs to be updated to lower the max score requirements or something. Am I missing something here?
  • 1 Comment
  • I have 3 stars on all levels. It's certainly doable, but they are challenging. I think the hardhats are maybe a little stronger than in Mine and Dine, but you can still get it.
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