Random yourgame.exe appearing on my desktop after playing Page 1
  • Every time I open up AngryBirds, I get a file on my desktop called "yourgame.exe." It does not have an icon, and every time I delete it, it comes back when I play Angry Birds. It never came when I used to play from AppUp, I don't know why it is coming up now. I don't want it on my desktop. Also, a lot of forums I checked say it is a virus, but I am positively sure it isn't. I play on PC version from download.angrybirds.com.
  • That is weird. A quick Google search yields some interesting results: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=yougame.exe

    One suggestion said to to remove the Start Menu shortcuts and just use the desktop icon. If that works let me know.
  • I had that too, but it only came up when I updated AB. I just delete it whenever it comes up. Just confirming, don't worry, it's not a virus. I think it is the program that updates the game on PC.
  • I had a same problem on my pc (windows 7 64bit).
    Recently I solved it.
    go to "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\{8D12871A-3142-4F42-8CF9-DEDFFEC63209}\PlayTasks\0\" folder, You can find shortcut named "Play".
    Open properties tab of this shortcut and change target location to actual path of angry birds executable.
  • Thanks! Bird Leader's suggestion worked, also, I knew it wasn't a virus, it was just annoying seeing that ugly icon on my beautiful desktop.
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