How to update AB on Android (tablet)?
  • Hi everyone,

    I have a problem with updating AB to newest version on my tablet. I have 2.1.1. version with some levels blocked and I wanna install newer version. But if I download the newer one, install on tablet, and try to run, it doesn't run. Is there any possibility to update AB to newer version?

    I have the same question for AB Rio (I have 1.4.4) and Seasons (2.5.0).
  • What tablet do you use? Are you attempting to update via Google Play?
  • If old version are install via sideload and you cannot update in google play
  • @AMslimfordy

    I have GoClever tablet. Can you tell me, how to update via Google Play? Just need to go to the Website?
  • On the play store, press menu/tap the three dot button on the top right and press my apps (if you have the latest play store, swipe from the left side of the screen and tap my apps). Tap on the app you want to update and tap update.
  • I did as you said, but I don't have Angry Birds in "my apps"...
  • Did you download the game originally from Google Play?
  • If you download it from the internet (not Play Store), you can't update the game even it is free
  • Oh wait, Did you download it from amazon? If you download it from amzon then I don't know. I never used amazon before
  • I didn't download from Play Store, but exactly can't remember, where from. If I download from Play Store, then can I upload? Is it free?
  • Yes you should always download apps from the Google Play Store and not by installing possibly compromised .apks hosted by third parties, due to the risk of malware infection.

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