ABfriends update complains
  • Hi! I don´t like the new update with credits because now you don´t get so many Power-ups as before.
    The daily reward before was one power-up first day, 2 next and so on. But now you get 5 credits first day and with that you can´t buy one power-up with. And day 5 you get 50 credits and with that you can´t get even 4 power-ups with!
    The tournament reward was before 1st: 24 power-ups 2nd: 16 power-ups 3rd: 2 power-ups. But now you get 1st: 200 credits, and with that you can´t even buy 20 power-ups!!!
    The gift now has credits that you can get. But a power-up is better, because you only get 3,5 or 10 credits that is not even 1 power-up!
    I don´t really like this update, the only thing that is good is that you get more stuff for your avatar without paying with real money.

    Sorry my bad English and that I am writing credits while it should be bird coins.
    If anyone has any opinions, please write a comment!
  • Yeah! It was better before when you get more power-ups than now.
    But it's really good that you don't need to pay for real money in the avatar.
  • Yes, but you get a lot of bird coins by collecting stars on the tournament.
  • The coins are worth "less" because they can be used to purchase more. With coins, not only can you purchase Power Ups, but you can purchase Mighty Eagle uses and different avatar items as well.
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