Angry Birds Level Creator
  • If a level creator were to come to Angry Birds, my life wishes would be fulfilled.

    I think that it should work like this:

    A) You place the wood, stone, glass, land pieces and special items on a grid.

    B) Then you place the slingshot and the birds.

    C) You play the level. If it auto-destroys, then it goes straight back to the level creator. This stops people from making stupid self-destroying levels. If you can beat it in 20 tries, it rounds down to the nearest thousand from the score you obtained, and that becomes the three-star score.

    D) You have an "Angry Birds ID", just a simple username that people can find your levels by, to post levels on. You can then post and download levels via the Internet.

    Please tell me how you think it should work.

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