Angry Birds Star Wars Smash Maniac!? (Userlist)
  • Hi @everyone,

    I want to Start a Discussion if we will see Smash Maniac Angry Birds Star Wars soon?? What do you think!?

    When the Smash Maniac exist here the list:
  • I don't see it in near future. So far achievement is for smashing 2000 blocks.
  • I already got dat achievement I'm trying 2 get complete path of the Jedi achievement and 3 * path of the Jedi I think they will do more achievements soon
  • I'd have to agree. There's plenty of room for more Achievements. It'll be interesting to see what they are. But they're always kind of whimsical and fun.
  • Agree can't wait 4 hoth update so excited
  • ... i think we will see nothing like Smash Maniac in Star Wars!!
  • I love Boba Fatt's Blockbuster achievement. Isn't that cool one?
    I have smash maniac in ABO and ABSp. I got it in Space thanks to S-15 glitch and some 2 or 3 months ago I got it in Original after I went back to play levels again and tried to get above average in as much levels as I can. I am proud that I got in some 9-10 months of actual playing.
  • @cosmo2503 Is AB Space Pig Dipper S-15 glitch is only in Android & iOS not on PC ? I tried it several times on PC, but I got score of 147k.
  • @cosmo2503

    So congrats so you get all Smash Maniac Arcievemets. Very good Job !!
  • Thanks @PJng, Now I'm going to try it :-D
  • I got the smash maniac achievement in AB Space when the 2nd Utopia update was released. I still don't have this achievement in AB original & it's the only thing I lack in that game. I've been playing 16 months now & am beginning to wonder if the app is messed up & the counter isn't working correctly.
  • @reactive1
    For getting Smash Maniac in Original i would recommend you to Play the Golden Egg Level 14 again and again. It will take also time. Don't give up. I am sure you will get it also soon. Good luck my friend and let me know when you earned it!
  • @reactive1 as I wrote above I got smash maniac achievement in less then year of playing I completed all levels, then played M&D, PE again and finally I got it on one of MH levels with bobm bird and "tons2 of stone bricks. I couldn't get over avarage on that one and probably replay it 150-200 times and achievement just popped up.
  • @CC Jolly Thanks! GE 14 has been one I have playing quite a bit to get the achievement (and I have moved my ranking to #32 on that level). I've also played GE 22 (the Rio football) quite a bit as well. I will definitely let you know, thanks for the encouragement!
  • @cosmo2503 Thanks! Do you remember which MH level you got it on?
  • @reactive1 yes you will get it! Please play the GE 14 again and again. I am sure you will get it on playing that level. Take time !
  • Hey @reactive1 you can also try Danger Above 6-10. That's the one that finally gave me the achievement after about a year & a half. Good luck :)
  • @karen68 Thanks for the tip! Does the 68 stand for the year 1968? That's my birthyear!
  • @reactive1 OK I'll admit it, it's my birth year... now everyone knows how old I am (as if they hadn't figured it out already). A great year to be born :)
  • @karen68 Yes it sure was! We're in good company though a lot of big-time celebrities were born in 68.
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