You know what the release of the iPhone 5 means for angry birds? Lots of updates!
  • Since the newest version of the iPhone has a different screen size, none of the previous mobile apps fit onto the screen... which means Rovio has to update them soon! Tell me what you think is coming up for all the Angry Birds games. (i.e., What will the boss fight be for "Red Planet?")
  • They are going to have to make anything backwards compatible with existing platforms. I could see a new version of the apps come out with the new aspect ratio, but all the same levels, similar to what is offered for the Kindle Fire though.
  • I agree with @burbman sadly. The new iPhone just means that the screen size needs to enlarge. I see them releasing updates with just screen size changes, just like they do sometimes for bug fixes.
  • An alternative is that they keep the same aspect ratio for old versions, and just have black bars on the sides.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster @Burbman @lostgreybird @mvnla2

    The following information has been confirmed.
    1) "Normal" (that is, 3:2) versions of iPhone apps will run on iPhone 5. The app will be centered in the screen and the extra 88 pixels on the "long" side will be solid grey.
    2) Rovio, and most other companies, will be able to add logic checks to their apps. This check will determine the screen ration (either 3:2 or 16:9) and display correctly. This requires quite a bit of development, but is not overly difficult. This will likely be included in a near-future, normally-scheduled update for a particular app.
  • Yes i hope ROVIO will solve this probleme. I also ordered the New iPhone 5. i will get it between October 18th and 24th. I heard it from a friend that there are borders in left and right side of screen :-(
  • I don't see this as a significant issue. It's 88 pixels on either side. It's not a big deal for the time being.
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