Terence Tips Request
  • I’ve been playing AB for 9 months now and still feel that I’ve not mastered the correct technique for flinging Terence. For me he literally is a “hit and miss” bird. I’ve ended up with a love/hate relationship with him. Most of the time he misses or just plonks where he lands and doesn’t move and then there’s the times he hits and it’s gratifying to see him ploughing through and racking up the points big time.

    I read somewhere here on ABN that some players just pull back half strength and I sort of do that. Other times I will pull back, hold and then fling. Basically I find it’s best not to think about him and just pull back quickly, fling and hope for the best.

    How do you fling Terence?
  • Usually, if I end up short with my shot, Terence just bounces harmlessly off the ground and still crashes into the structure. It's a variation of the ME's "bowling" technique, just w/o the ME. :)
  • I've found he is most useful when you hit the side of those long horizontal boards. That way he pushes it causing everything next to it to move and it disrupts everything on top.
  • Terence can usually pick up speed and do additional damage to a structure if he can hit a small piece of debris prior to his main contact point. This gives him top spin, and really contributes to the bowling ball effect.
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