RUMOR: Pig-based game on it's way before EOY
  • We've all thought about it at least once, but this story is making the rounds today based on this "exclusive" story from (never heard of them before today) stating there will be a pig-based game before the year is out. They were supposedly shown pics of this game, but don't have any to share and don't name any sources. C|net is checking with Rovio on this now.

    Anyway, here is the link so you can judge the validity for yourself:
  • It's all of over twitter by AngryBirdsApps and it getting around everywhere?
  • I don't have or use Twitter, but checking Google for "Angry Birds" with the 24 hour filter on netted about 5 sites all citing Pocket-Lint's site as their siource
  • @iammighty found this a few days ago, re reported in the BP :)
  • Also in News & Rumors. However Rovio has not confirmed the rumor.
  • Sorry.. I did look at the forums but didn't see anything on it. When I check the News and Rumors, all I see are the front page updates..
  • I've heard of this before. I remember in some sort of a video from Apple or Microsoft, there was a slight hint of this concept. I forgot where the video was, though.
  • i heard about that.this game is not maded by rovio
  • i heard of a game before(probably no more) called 'revenge of the pigs' not made by rovio
  • Well, of course there a lots of games similar to Angry Birds like Angry Pigs and Revange of the pigs, but I am likely to believe it could be possible that Rovio make own game like Angry birds from pigs side. I'd like to see how pigs see birds attack and how they can defend themselves.
  • The issue they may run into with this concept is that the Birds are all memorable and the Pigs are not. there is only one of each bird and they each have a different personality. The pigs are just pigs, some have helmets others have hats. The only one that stands out is the King Pig.

    If I were Rovio and planned on making this game I would start introducing specific Leader Pigs that work for King Pig. For example have the KIng Pig still be the big boss but introduce a Pig that is the overseer of all things built with wood, another that builds the best ice structures, stone and so on.

    They could even take it a step further and have each specialized pig have a personal vendetta against the AB that works best against their building material. ie. Ice Pig would be the arch nemesis of the Blue Birds.
  • pigs vs birds hahaha
  • i think the level creator is going to be for the pig based game, built a fortress to stop the birds, but it wont be easy working for the pigs
  • Dr Omega had a good link there. :)
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