Whats the Hold up with Surf & Turf 2 on ABO?
  • What could be the hold up with Surf & Turf 2nd update for Angry Birds Original? Facebook released S&T 1 and 5 weeks later it was release in ABO. Facebook S&T 2 was released around 2/28 which is 11 weeks ago.
    Wouldn't this month of May be the perfect time to release it to hold us over? Shouldn't it be easy considering the levels are already designed and they just need to convert it?
  • well,it is the beach....and many people go to the beach in the summer...it should come out in the summer
  • Good call, I didnt even think about it that way but you have a great point.
  • The good this is...summer is coming soon.
  • Summer is already almost over and the pc version doesn't even have the entire surf n' turf episode yet! I'm still waiting on the last group of levels for this episode. Why is it taking so long to get the rest of this episode on the PC version???
  • No full version of Angry Birds has the remaining 15 levels. It is not prejudice against the PC version, as you seem to believe.
  • wow not even the phone versions have the entire episode? I didn't know that. thank you.
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