The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2687
  • Well, I would have said "next one up changes the page and steals the crown"
    I cheated......
  • Sorry @kathy couldn't resist that shiny headgear!
  • soory @knichy i was watching a show, I hit the first boulder,,bounced up to the second then Terrence rolled down, just as @pauliboy described.
  • heehee @hunnybunny that is o.k i know is hard to resist lol,I'll get it back later; )
  • @knichy I just aimed at the flag, didn't notice it was waving:/
  • I don't want you to get too big a head Mrs. Bunny. So I'll just say, not too shabby for an old married lady.
  • Night @hunnybunny, no worries, most of the time I don't even understand what I am talking about. Plus this typing on a phone thing is fairly new to me, especially with autocorrect "fixing" mos of what I say. You can tell the diff when I am on a computer, I type 120+ wpm.
  • @knichy you can turn off Auto correct , go to your keyboard settings and uncheck , Google uhhmm something lol ,i think is says automatic replace spelling, or spell check,
    I have no problem deciphering what you type as i am the Queen of the hoodoo voodoo keyboard lol:)
  • But it wouldn't fix mos ! @kathy the flag doesn't wave, the pig is waving the flag. I think I am set on shot one, get it once in every 8-10 now.
    I guess I'll have to wait until @e-star gets her pad jailbreak so she can make some awesome videos again!
  • Agree @knichy whadda ya read my mind?? You typed that practically as i hit post!! It won't fix all!
    I gave up on PDv after i got spot#6 back at SG, but ya i aimed at the flag;)
  • Y'all can't shoot the flag. Tomorrow is Memorial Day.
  • Well @Pa is not the American flag, is a piggie flag,, and that makes it o.k:)
    Actually Friday was the Real memorial Day, we just holidays on the closest Monday for what reason idk, except for Patriots Day, which is celebrated on the actual day, but I think that is just a Boston holiday!
  • The pigs don't honour their fallen warriors
  • Lol @knichy true!
    While I'm here, I'll have a Blue Mongo please and @knichy will have one also:)
  • where'd everyone go? is early. .:( a night of. .helloooop...
    @gumby Wassssuupp?
    SG is getting to me, I Hate that Matilda no longer has a deflated carcass ,i think it makes things more difficult, any one have any idea Why Rovio made that change?
    like she wasn't hard enough to deal with to begin with!
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please, thank you
  • I'll have two please, save OB a trip.
    I don't know about more difficult but definitely different! I got so used to seeing that poor dilapidated bird sadly lying on her side, having given the ultimate sacrifice for country and birddom.
  • Lol @knichy, i know there were a lot of posts in the past about calling her deflated self a "carcass" then folks started saying "not a carcass" i guess Rovio thought it offensive and changed it! Jeesh is only a game .. Everyone takes things to literal and to serious these days.
    Actually OB I'll take 2 as well, and send the blues every so often!
    @knichy are you still flinging in SG? I'm on level 10 and it's tough:(
  • I've been driving all evening, went to take kids to visit Nana in H. Mrs knichy staying g over up there again so I may fling some after kids in bed
  • I'll dual hat the new adventure with SG, haven't had much time today. And I am spool far Ben and you in Everest! @bernersenn keep whacking away you should be able to break avg at least, I've had dozens of runs between 119 and 120, an two total of 120+ ( barely )
  • Ohh @knichy your starting to sound like me lol,, what is H ? And Mrs. Knichy is staying in g? Over up there again? You shouldn't drink Blue Mongos and drive no less type lol:)
    Seems you caught my hoodoo voodoo!
  • Not even gonna try to decipher , And I am spool far Ben and you in Everest! Lol:)
  • @knichy in PD Everest i did exactly as @Pauliboy said and it finally worked, keep at it you'll get it,, I'm trying levels 9 and 10 in SG , almost got 9 but 10 *sigh* gonna be a while..
    Can i whine?
  • Still far behind you in Everest , the new level.
    You hereby have my permission to whine
    I dont drink and drive, but I do drive then drink, therefore since I am done driving I have just begun to drink.
    Having reviewed the menu, I would also like some of "Kathy's bacon wrapped shrimp"!
    I KNOW the shots, I have HIT the shots, jus not together.
    I was actually flinging SG 10 this morning for a few to get above average at least, added like 1500 and we are both at 61ish. That being said I just ran it and had a perfect first bird, da.aged the vertical snow block that tends to hold back the rolling boulders on shot two. On shot two, the right boxer bounced off chuck and somehow hung with the left boulder, stopped pretty high, no ancillary damage where usually 5 or 6 k at least goes on, probably a little more since I had damaged that vertical block
    Perfect third shot, upward through the present, dropping the boulder and bath moving right, rolled odd the side and took out all presents below. 60,780
    If not for the hung stones could have been 66-68
    AB is so cute of "coulda beens"and
    H=hospital for the signs on the road
  • oohh the Bacon wrapped shrimp is delicious @knichy
    and yep i keep getting the perfect first shot, and not a bad second but that 3rd is kiling me:(
    and since i have your permission
  • In Everest my first dialed in shot hits the hill and bounces over the boulder.
    Important for a few extra points in SG 10 that red damages the lowest vertical block to the right of the first piggies so the boulders from the second shot break it and the boulder contact there can bring an extra k
  • Crossing comments . Cnichy1 off to bed, 2&3 already gone, off to bed myself soon, but......
    I do have a charger up there .....
  • Thing is, unlike an ABO and a seasons level, I can't play both PD Everest and SG10 simultaneously 8*(
  • I hear ya @knichy, sorry i disappeared just had a somewhat of a *s**"show going on here, long story, i shouldn't have gone down the stairs :/
  • I'm at 37% battery , it says i have 7 hours left, but i don't believe it,, as soon as battery goes i go lol.. No flinging with charger plugged in Bad, very Bad!!
  • This ain't a real time forum, sometimes I toss a comment out and ha e to go back two or three pages to clarify cause I sure as s$%& don't remember what I said.
    But I do remember those delicious shrimp!
    Perhaps you can add my bacon wrapped water chestnuts to the menu, they are always a hit here. And knicky's Southern Maryland Stuffed Ham. You'd have to Google research it, but basically a corned ham with a bunch of stab wounds stuffed with a Kale mixture. The only thing more famous down here is out crab cakes, emulated world over
  • At least with my phone I can fljng fine on charger, unless in a place with no signal then most AB crashes for whatever reason
  • Night Ma!
  • Woot!! My whine got me 10 pts!! :(
  • Lol @knichy , uhmm was the bacon wrapped shrimp an old comment? My bad, i don't have the powah to change the menu, as i didn't actually start the forum, ah well we can order anything at want whether or not it's on the menu:) it's our virtually pub after all!
    No flinging while charging Bad, very bad!
    Nighty night @knichy, fling on my friend, keep flinging,keep flinging... etc..
  • Page 1 has the menu ripsy put up 5 years ago.....
    And yes, we obviously have the power to make stuff up
    OB, a dozen wings, please, fried not named, crispy not slimy, served with knicky's secret recipe.
    1/3C Frank's, 2tbsp liquid margarine, 1/3 C Texas Pete's, add Tabasco as necessary if you like em nuked.
    Did I.mention I used to manage a restaurant?
  • Lol @knichy I know that, im the cofounder after all, i just didn't create the forum, Ripsy did at my suggestion :)
  • did you read the whole founding of the BP @knichy? we invited @sunshine to be our cook along with @angryboy who came later, and @estar, oh just read it lol.
  • I'm off , gonna listen to my book and snoooze, no more typing for me tonight. .nighty night @knichy
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Obviously I saw the "this is not a real time forum" statement since I use it every 5-10 pages, but didn't see about @mentions. I have BP mentions turned off because my email is already flooded.
  • Speaking of...I haven't seen @Sunshine in over three months.
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • Read through the first couple of pages and it is a literal ABN hall of fame! I love how slim stepped in and said, "do you mind if I move this of the ?-37"?
  • @knichy

    One day, on a random walkthrough on the Main Site, Kathy sent out a cry for help. Rdnzlrips82 answered the call and helped her get through the pestering level. A rather hilarious conversation about Batman ensued. I then merged the idea of Batman and Angry Birds. Kathy suggested we move the funny conversation to a discussion in the Forum. Rdnzlrips82 did and started the now famous, Bloated Pig.
  • Nighty night:)
  • Night night, but have to call you on your request on page 5 for free bird by led zeppelin.
    Freebird=Lynard Skynard; Stairway to Heaven = Led Zeppelin
    Not to be confused with Dred Zeppelin, doing reggae covers of classic zep tunes
  • Is there a way to go to a particular page or date of the BP history. Comment 100,000 for instance?
  • Yes @Pa use the search on the top of the page search which page # you want
    *Quickly poofs out before @snicker gets a chance to practice his lessons*
  • Thanks @Ma. *holds Snicker at bay* You'll get your chance soon enough boy.
  • @hunnybunny thanks, yea I am not really green. I wouldn't want to scare people in the nest so my picture isn't in here LOL
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