The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2504
  • Hi all, just a quick fly by for me, still trying to get back my energy... unlike Mister @rat I didn't leave it on my pillow. So still looking :/

    @Rat catching up on the messages, you made me laugh…. googling pit bum hee hee. I figured it would be a less offensive term for the youngsters… but not even sure that it is. As for the alphabet channels, we only signed up for Netflix at the beginning of the year, so far I like it. HBO was given to us for free I think it was a month… never tuned in so figured it was not worth paying for it.

    @zebung Whaaaaaaa thanks for sharing that picture! Oh my… that are a lot of stereotypes.

    @FlyingFalcon Welcome, nice to see a new face. Hope you didn't wander in when no one was around and hope to see you around some more. Always a pleasure meeting fellow addicts to the birds!

    @mvnla2 thanks for the tip on Foyle's War, I looked it up and they offer 3 seasons on NetFlix, so I added it to my list to watch :)

    @kathy you lost me with the vines hahahahahha, head is not clear enough for me to make sense of it all :p

    @ABCrazy, amazing picture. A bit surreal though, you in the dark (makes it hard to see your face) and a blur at the top and a space shuttle.. almost feels like a portal is opening up and guests from another world are popping in ;)
  • @ABCrazy love that picture. Thanks for sharing
  • @Estar So happy you feel good enough to sit in your booth and chat for a bit. Or was this just a sit and run. Get better please.

    Mrs. Bunny You paint a pretty word picture of you in the morning. *shivers run down my spine*
  • Yeah mister @rat it kinda was, I checked my emails, did some adminy duties and caught up on some messages, but had to get off the pitbum and crawl on the couch... Just one more day of flying solo at work, nothing happening there, which worries me, business has been unhealthy slow and I fear for the future. Guess the design and printing business is the one taking the hit for all the advancements jn technology (everyone can make a brochure nowadays, or so they think they can) and we are a wealth related business. People invest more when they have more. Anyway, needed to get as much energy so I will get thru the day tomorrow. Luckily monday is a national holiday over here (Kingsday) so time to hopefully continue the search for my energy and health. So sorry I wasn't around for a quick chat Mister @Rat but always a pleasure popping in and finding you here :)

    Nattinat everyone!
  • @rat Yes, that jacket was a bit baggy on me. Most motorcycle jackets are pretty bulky, especially the more modern ones, because the better ones include football pad-like armor at critical impact areas like elbow, shoulders, etc. My current riding gear looks even less sexy than than that. I'll sacrifice the look for good protection though. You just never know when you'll meet the ground closer than you wanted to.
  • @estar I'm still trying to find my energy too. I hope you feel better soon!
  • Sorry I missed everyone :( catch up tomorrow
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • @everyone

    New Friday version of funny Swedish words

    "Slut sale" - also called "Slut rea"
    "Slut station"

    "slut" means (thank God) "end, last, final, over", and "rea" means "sale" (and sounds like the end of a word for an uncomfortable stomach problem)

    So, "final sale" and"end station on the metro or bus line"

    Shame on you all if you thought of somthing else ;-)

    Happy Friday all!!!!
  • Springtime in Stockholm!

    These beautiful Japanese cherry trees are so beautiful every Spring!
  • Attention iOS flingers:

    If you have upgraded iOS to 8.3, you will not be able to do file backups/transfers from the Angry Birds app folders. Apple has disabled access to app folders that do not have iTunes file sharing enabled. This is true no matter which file manager you are using.

    This might be old news already, but I just discovered it myself today when I attempted to backup my Angry Birds data files.
  • *gently nudges OB* SQUACK * a ruffle of feathers and Kathy runs To hide under Estar booth..
    sssoorry OB is just me coming in to catch up . it was so quiet i didn't want to startle you..uuhmm guess i messed that up heh?
    anyway I'll get my own drink you settle your feathers..*ppats OB gingerly on the head and soothes*
  • Oh @Estar I'm sorry i couldn't explain the vine thing better.I've never tried it myself..its just a funny taking short clips of your cat or yourself or anything sttuff like that doing funny things and merging the video clips into one ..idk lol your the video gal hee hee..ii couldnt take a video of anything if i was paid to! like that video tompuss posted with the guy pouring the drink and subsequently trigged the cars on the track causing all the other things was several short clips of events recorded separately and merged into one to make it look like it all happened in sequence. ?
    @zebung Wow those cherry blossom are truly beautiful! and funny twist On the 'S' word but as you know in the U.s. the meaning is totally different I'm not sure if that's totally appropriate here but it looks like we haven't had to many teens or anyone who would object at this point but in the future 'mmeh? It is funny though the meaning of words from different places!

    @BPC ty for the notice! That's just not right ! Happy i stuck With my android!
  • oopsy!!
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • Mrs. Rat is visiting her Mother to assist her siblings with estate issues. She called last night and wished me a happy 39th wedding anniversary. What should I have done?

    A. Say I was just about to call and wish her a Happy Anniversary.
    B. Tell her I forgot. Is today our anniversary?
    C. Tell her I have something planned for when she got back.
    D. Hang up before I said anything. Deniability?

    What do you guys think was my best option?
    Btw, I went with option B. Darn that broken filter. It was nice knowing all of you.
  • @rat9 i woulda accepted A And C ..oppsy on you:(

    oh and Happy Anniversary ¿
  • night pa ♡
  • Morning Ma
  • @Rat -- You still have time for C. While planning, remember that you life is on the line. When is she coming back? Don't want to mis the final goodby.
  • @rat. Oops! Well, after 39 years I suspect that Mrs Rat knows you pretty well and wasn't terribly surprised at your response. After all, it isn't one day a year that is so special, it's the everyday sharing, companionship and love, right? And I'm sure you will have something planned when she gets back.
  • Good answer @ catsnbirds :)
    mornimg Pa
  • lol @mvnla2 Pa your still with us i hope?
  • Are jewelry stores open on Sundays?
    Never mind. Handmade gifts are better, right? No store bought card for my precious. I've got loads of time. She doesn't get back till 8:00 EST. I'll get out the construction paper and glitter. Yep, that's the way to go. I'll get all artsy on her. Women love that sort of thing.
  • Oh ya @rat9 I'd definitely go with the handmade construction and gliiter card! so much more thoughtful and shows you really put your heart into it♡ you could cut paper dolls too!
  • @Ma Maybe I should pull the "Welcome Home " banner out of mothballs too.
  • night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • Yeah, finally something I understand. :)

    JSC and KSC. WooHoo! I know those places. I live not too far, well, couple of hours, from KSC. Have been over there up close and personal for many a takeoff.

    Even watching from my backyard was awesome, especially night launches. But up close, holy cow, I'm getting goosebumps just remembering. And teary. Laughs.

    Have a cousin at JSC, and my Dad, way back, did something with something, because when going through his stuff after he passed there were awards in his file for something with an Apollo mission. No, I don't know exactly. I do remember, sorta, him on recovery missions with the 301st ARRS, in case things went wrong. That is pushing my memories though to toddler.

    Okay, I was so excited, I forgot what I was going to say in first place. Yes, Texas is pain to drive across, have done it many times growing up, my Dad was a Texan. Another pain, driving from South Florida, and I do mean South, as in the bottom, to top of Florida just to go see family. That too is a long drive.

    Okay, speaking of Florida, it is a little after 2 AM here right now, I'm in South-Central Florida now, and it is hot. So... I brought in pie with me for everyone to try if you'd like. My Dad used to make it for us growing up to help combat the heat and wanting to strangle our siblings. :D

    It is a frozen pie, although since I've rambled on, a little melted, but still good.

    It is a frozen key lime & strawberry pie. Just the right mix of tart and sweet and helps cool us down. We make this a single flavor ones throughout the summer. Yes, here in Florida we consider ourselves in summer already. We have 2 seasons, hot & cool. Summer & Tiny window of Winter. ;)

    Okay, I'm talked out for now,. If any would like recipe to try pie, just holler, and I'll share it.

    (Throws pie in freezer, leaves note on bar)

  • Hears @rat9... Oh yes! Handmade cards are better! Good for you. They have more heart in them. :D
  • Wrong answer @Rambleberry. ha ha ha I haven't stayed "Happily" married for thirty-nine years by making homemade anniversary cards. Although she is a pushover if I write her original sappy poetry.
    I'll pass on the pie for now. Its too cold out tonight to enjoy it.
  • @Rat Too cold for pie!?! Next you'll be saying it's too cold for ice cream, which just isn't possible.
    @Rambleberry Thanks for the trip down memory lane. One year when I was a teenager in the late 60's my family went on vacation to the Tampa area in August. Before air conditioning in cars. Four kids. We all came home alive, but have never been able to understand why our parents thought this was a good idea. They never explained. Anyway, thanks for the pie!
  • Hello everyone! So good to see you all, since I haven't been here in awhile. I sure do miss this place.

    OB, I'd like a cup of coffee and a @Kathy's Pig Muffin, please.

    Wow, nice bike @ABcrazy! And love the pic of your dad too. What was he riding back then? I couldn't recognize it from the picture angle. Hubby and I love to ride also, nothing rlse like it! I know quite well what you're saying about protection from going down. Even from flying debris getting kicked up from other vehicles can be quite painful! Sometimes I shudder when I see other riders, especially women passengers that have no protection, just shorts, sandals, and a tank top on during these warmer months.

    You're so lucky @Zebung to have Cherry Blossom trees there! They only bloom once a year, the blossoms only last about two weeks. Not to be confused with cherry trees, as they do not produce any fruit, just ornamental. I was fortunate one year when I was on a business trip to Japan and the "sakura" were blooming at the same time. Towards the end of the blooming period, they all fall on the ground to create a beautiful pink carpet.

    Happy anniversary Mr. @Rat! That is so romantic, making Mrs. Rat a card. Always better than store bought because it comes from your ♡!

    @kathy, I've missed you, my friend! I see you've been quite busy flinging in Space. WTG,
    Keeping those sheriffs busy!
  • Hello @rambleberry, nice to meet you! That's so cool, living near KSC.
    And @abcrazy...You're lucky you got to watch many historical launches! I've always wanted to watch a shuttle launch while working for an aerospace company here in LA, but never got an opportunity.
    I have seen several rockets and missiles take off, when I used to work at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) back in the late '80s, but nothing as impressive as you've seen. Although one day we did get to see a B-2 bomber on its maiden flight, make a low pass over WSMR on the way to Holloman AFB. Now THAT was very impressive! I think our entire office staff had their jaws dropping to the ground, including myself! I wish I could've taken a picture, but we were so stunned by the low rumble as it approached, no one thought to grab a camera. (We didn't have cell phones back then.)
  • You're right @catsnbirds. What was I thinking? It's never too cold for pie.

    @SweetP I'm not likely to forget when the B-2 was acknowledged to the public. The 22nd of November, 1988. That was the day my neck problems started in earnest. I was in Palmdale at the "B-2 Rollout" ceremony at 11:22 running across a concrete ramp when a sharp pain in my neck grabbed my attention. It happened when my left foot hit the ground. Nothing special about it. No accident. No fall. Just my foot touching the ground while running. I wasn't even running that fast. But I'll never forget it. My life changed at that precise moment. @Kelani would have a field day with the numerology of this moment in my life. I was 33 (11+22) on the 22nd of November at 11:22. I'd been married 11 years. Those two numbers were all over that moment in my life. Needless to say, on the 22nd of November at 11:22 each year, I stand perfectly still. Ha ha ha ha ha No sense tempting fate.
  • Oh my @Rat! That was an historical moment, but for the worse in your personal life. Although you were lucky to have been at Edwards AFB back then. One of our project managers flew back to LA so he could be at the ceremony. Were you stationed there or visiting? So sorry it brought back such a bad memory for you. I remember that day when the B-2 was unveiled, as it was all over the news. It was a few months after the public announcement that the fly-by happened. Nothing like seeing it up-close and personal, such a humongous beast!
  • @Rambleberry -- Welcome to the BP! At least I don't remember your coming in previously. And you brought pie. I've never heard of frozen key lime pie, let alone with strawberries! Sounds fantastic. I was wondering why you thought pie would cool things off! I think a recipe would be great. I'm in LA, and I think we're headed towards a hot summer, I mean, we had a hot "winter". Won't be as humid as FL though.
  • @SweetP I was stationed at Edwards for 12 interesting years.
  • Hmmm...@rat "interesting" you say...I'll bet they were!

    Hello @mnvla2! Have you been golfing lately? Except for this week's rainy and cold days, it's been quite nice out here. Although we've been stuck having to redo our bathroom, which turned into quite a nightmare project! I'm looking forward to some fishing and golfing next week. Trout season just opened at June Lake, and we might want to go, except there's still snow up there!
  • Pa maybe on nov. 22 at 11:22 you should stomp your Right foot on the ground and maybe it will reverse the process. there's your trouble it was the Wrong foot!
  • @Catsnbirds you are right. Ice cream is acceptable, welcome, wanted, loved, everywhere, any time. Ate the biggest (by UK standards) and best double scoop in cone in Pembrokeshire ten days ago. I had raspberry ripple and strawberry. He had chocolate and banana. Yum, yummy, yum!

    WARNING: kids, don't do this, ever......
    @sweetp I'm not a biker, at all. But fell off one in Greece(1979) with the ex-fiancé (well jumped, we were about to hit a tree, wearing shorts, tee shirt, flip flops, no helmet - gravel burns) I was nineteen, so might have learnt my lesson. But no.....
    Thirty years on, Greece again. The restaurant owner nearby had a 1200cc Suzuki. Jeans this time, tee shirt, flip flops. No helmet. Well over any speed limit. But didn't fall or jump off this time. Stupid. But Bloody Amazing! End of my biking career.

    @rambleberry key lime pie, another yum, yummy, yum. TY for your pie

    @kathy you just solved rat's problem. It takes a woman!

  • Geez @Kathy, @Hunnybunny. Someone finally came up with a treatment I haven't tried. Why didn't I think of that. Stomp the right foot as opposed to the wrong foot. Btw, Where did you two get your medical degrees? Acme? Anxiously waiting till 22 Nov to try this out. Thanks.
  • night pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • Anyboy home?
  • lol I'm tired, that's Anybody"
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