The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2255
  • Good Night Princess v:/
  • @Kelani, thanks for clearing up this befuddled brain!
    Yes @Kathy, IKR?! Good night Princess!

    edit: And where do the coins come from?

    *Gets @Kathy's flashlight, gives it a good polish and checks to make sure batteries are still in good working order. Carefully places flashlight back under the pillow, lights a candle that safely guides her to dreamland*
  • There goes my parachuting present theory -- just got one :(

    Wondering if other folks have seen a respite in these annoying suckers showing up? My other theory is that it's controlled globally by Rovio and they periodically push them more frequently.
  • parachuting presents? Where at @fenikus?
  • @fenikus I haven't gotten one all day :) I think we can assume they push them hard the first few days after an episode's released, then drop off fast. My theory was since they're sometimes sponsored by other companies, Kraft/State Farm, those companies paid a fee for X exposures i.e. gifts. If nobody pays, or there's nothing Rovio wants to promo, they don't drop. Why some get tons and others get none, no idea.
  • @SweetP they're scattered throughout the levels, and on PC you get them by starring levels. Not sure about ios/android. I'm sure you can buy them, too.
  • Seriously? 263K top score on TT 16? Must've been 1-birder but I don't see a high scoring one.
  • @fenikus plenty of 258k-259k 2 birders. With both those high scoring carts and the top bridge that never dies, it seems very possible to me.
  • @Kelani, that top bridge is worth 2K but I don't think it will ever die with the common strategy (cuz it's reinforced). 260K seems like a max with two birds to me. On the other hand, yeah, it's possible (how much is 263K minus 260K?).
  • As I'm going back through TT to improve on some of my scores, does anyone see over 110K in #3? Do you think they used the Blu PU?

    edit: make that 111K, since @bernersenn's is a true score.
  • @fenikus everything doesn't auto-break when it falls offscreen, especially those carts :P I got 258,900 and had a pile of stone planks on bottom left, the top bridge, and a few wood blocks scattered around.

    @SweetP funikus got 111k without blu on #3. It's hard, but possible.
  • @SweetP, I have no reason to doubt the top scorer; that's a reliable flinger. What can skew the scores without the flinger realizing it are those stupid parachuting presents I mentioned -- they bring extra 3K. They appear randomly on any level (and any episode, I believe) and more so for some people than for others. Other than ABN educating flingers that they bring extra 3K (not everyone realizes this), not sure anything can be done about it but I wish they weren't there.
  • @kelani, so you're beating me on luck levels (16) and I'm beating you on skill levels (3). What else is new?
  • booooya! tsssssss...
  • My eyes are turning into squares -- good night @all.
  • Thanks @fenikus, I forgot about the parachute present and their 3K added to the score. Ah well, Rovio sure can make things complicated! I'm sure you've heard this one before:
    "Why fix something that ain't broke?"
  • Night-night @fenikus, sleep well!

    *Yawn* speaking of sleeping, it's my turn to meet my pillow. Goodnight @all, have a great WHINNNNEEEEE TUESDAY!
  • Mumsie dashes in - " OB please may I have a large Americano to go please, blue skies, sunshine and golf (hopefully golf and not whatever I played last Thursday!) what more could a little old lady want! Thank you!" Mumsie dashes out
  • Good morning to you all, @Mumsie dashes out, I'm dashing in.
    No time yesterday to visit the BP unfortunately.
  • You're right @Kelani. Saying I'm done on BI #2 could be premature. But in my defense, I don't see you finding over eight thousand points easily. All your scores are already in the top ten. And this high up, "the Law of Diminishing Returns" starts rearing it's ugly head. Or said plainly, "The gain ain't worth the pain". Ha ha ha
    And you're trying to defend scores in more than one episode at the same time. Not easy! Trust me. I know. Thar be hungry young whippersnappers everywhere. *snicker*
    Can you do it?
    Will you do it?
    Will you do it soon?
    I doubt it.
    In the meantime, I need to investigate a deity sighting in BI #1.
    The Great and Powerful Olly.
  • Just downloaded ABO 4.2.0, new levels but it cleared out my scores for 15 Birdday Party levels and ALL of the Sort Fuses levels!
  • @dmsral, same here. Now we have to restore the
    ABO data files
  • You gotta be kidding me. After 4 months waiting for PC update, they did that before catching PC up? Unreal.
  • You're right @Kelani. I need to be worried. There's at least 53k additional points left in BI #2. But you'll need to top score every level to get em'. lol
    All kidding aside. I'll come back and visit if you sit in my chair while I'm gone.
  • @Rat I hate levels where I'm 8-10k below top score and can't improve. Seems like low-hanging fruit, but it never is.

    edit: did you get all your points on #38?
  • This is a disaster. My last full backup of the Ipad was made before I started the new Rio. As the Itunes backup is not a file-by-file backup I can't restore just the ABO files.
    @amslimfordy what to do with the leaderboards?
  • @Kelani When I hit 8-38, I caged the birds and left the planet. I was only a few hundred points ahead of you before that. The rest were from chasing your "Monster".
    If I got first place on every level, I could only get an additional 45k. I'm going to let you set the pace on this one.
  • @all Found some nice vids today, hope you like them:

    Incredible Chicago storm footage:

    How to draw a mighty eagle:

    Awesome Blue Angels:

    Cats behaving really badly:

    BBL xoxo
  • Allo Allo mon amis! How are things today! I want to give @karen68 and @fenikus a heads up on the album issue... it should be resolved and upped to 200 images. If this isn't enough let me know! Also @fenikus... not sure and too lazy to scroll back, but was there something else you wanted to know about the images in the album? If so I forgot, please nudge me again ;)
  • Whining, why whining? Finished my first round of Rio, facing position #6. Hunting season is started. To hell with those lost scores in ABO, when there is time (read: no updates from Rovio) I'll do them again. OB, a round for everyone, an black coffee for me please.
  • Good moaning @estar. Think yoo very mooch for the update. I did not have any udder quest-eins.
  • I know @Kelani what a pleasant surprise! I will wait with a reply so you can enjoy your "up to date PM list" some more LOL
  • Whahahaahha @fenikus goad to kneuw, cum find me if I can be of assistonce agoin ;)
  • @estar lol. It was nice to see a clean slate again :) Have fun allo'ing with funikus. I'm off to go have dinner with family friends. It's waaay up in the mountains, so I get some awesome cool & dry weather for a few hours! :D

    See @y'all later.
  • @kelani have fun with the family tonight and enjoy the cool air and maybe nice views?
  • Not sure the race would be fair, @Hunnybunny, since I don't have my good ol' Yugo anymore -- just an Audi A6 (not a sporty "S" model, more luxury geared). And your merc looks pretty zippy.

    How about this though: We start the race with you in the left lane, since that's natural for you, and me in the right lane. The person that crashes into oncoming traffic first loses ;-) Sound good?
  • Good Moaning @Estar? I thought it was dark over there. Bit of a stretch @funikus. lol
    Btw, thanks for the great strategy on 8-9. You just gave me the lead back in BI #1.

    Now I know why I didn't see 'Allo 'Allo when I lived in England. It didn't exist yet. I thought it was televised about the same time or shortly after Hogan's Heroes. Not so. Not even close.
    Hogan's Heroes: 1965-1971
    'Allo 'Allo: 1982-1992
    I also didn't realize there were so many years/episodes of 'Allo 'Allo. I can't have seen more than three years worth. I need to find all of them and have something enjoyable to watch instead of "Reality" TV. How many episodes did they make each year?

    Enjoy vittles witcher mountain kin @Kelani.
  • 'Allo Allo folks .. be warned earplugs ready. ....
  • TT #11 WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee:(
  • Lol I didn't realize 'Allo 'allo was a t.v. show @all I just thought that's how folks in London say Hello :/ duh..
  • Ouch…that hurt @Rat. How were you able to view that 8-9 video -- I thought I had my youtube channel set to blacklist anything that starts with Rat* :=>
  • 7-ish episodes of Allo Allo per season but IIRC season 5 was huge, like 20+ episodes.

    I don't know why they don't show more Brit comedy here, I find it hilarious.
  • @Kathy, I thought Brits say 'ello, as in " 'ello luv, fancy a pint?"
  • I went in under an alias @funikus. Since it was your fault, you need to tell @Ollygod why he's not in first anymore. lol

    Edit: I was thankful and didn't take your trophy. I may go back though.
  • Lol @fenikus I don't know if Brits say 'ello 'ello then what is 'allo ?
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