• VernaMarye posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    @dseufert I have a real problem, and I hope you can help me out. When I started my second persona, I stupidly gave it the same user name as the profile I have been using since I got hooked on AB, in fact, I have been receiving multiple gifts on AB Friends, but, the gifts are going to the original persona, and not to the new one I created at your recommendation. Now, I cannot get in to the first persona. When I type in VernaMarye, it takes me to the new one, and I can’t get to my n0ew gifts, etc.. I hope you can understand what I am saying. Thank you.

    • Hi Verna, I’m not sure how to respond. Many people in,our closed group use their real names and personal accounts, but they lock down their privacy in the Settings menu on FB. This is okay… mostly, but you have to pay due diligence daily to exclude hackers and ID theft. Best thing is maybe to start over again. Don’t use any personal info at all to protect your personal info and ID from thieves. Write me anytime :)